Chapter 7: Across the Plains

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Chapter 7: Across the plains

The beginning of the journey was silent, the crying of children echoed over the rolling plains. Everyone seemed to be deep in thought, Aragorn and Theoden especially.

The journey would take a couple days and the people of Edoras would be completely exposed, with only a group of guards, Theoden and the four of the Fellowship to protect them. Saruman had to know this, we let Grima go, he would've ran straight to our enemy.

I shook my head as I thought about it, we should've killed him. Saruman has an advantage and he knows this, who knows what army he has been breeding using dark magic.

Evening was falling quickly, I didn't know Theoden's plans. Would we make camp for the night? Or just a few hours?

This entire journey was not planned and it could fall apart quickly, this journey wouldn't go without interruption and at the moment everything was too quiet.

I sighed as a guard galloped down the convoy to stop and make camp for a few hours to eat and rest, there were elderly with us as well as young children. Eowyn seemed to be doing well in taking care of the people and quickly helped them make camp and begin cooking stew.

Aragorn had placed himself on a hill, overlooking the camp. I hiked up the hill and sat down on a flat, grey stone beside him.

"You know the rest of this journey won't be this easy." I puffed out air and leaned on my hands as I watched the people wander around.

Aragorn shook his head, "This is their only hope. Helm's Deep has held out before." Aragorn rationalized, I grumbled something under my breath and smiled as I saw Eowyn coming up the hill with a steaming pot in her hand.

"Do you want some stew?" Eowyn smiled weakly at Aragorn, she seemed like she carried too many things on her shoulders, she was too young for that.

"I made it myself, it's not much but... it's hot." She handed Aragorn a bowl filled with the broth.

Aragorn looked at the stew for a moment before putting a spoon-full in his mouth. He froze and his eyes slowly went up to Eowyn who was watching him closely.

"It's good." Aragorn struggled, I snorted at his remark and pushed up off the ground.

I trotted down the hill over to Legolas and Gimli who were having a conversation.

"Why are these people running? We dwarves would never run from a fight." Gimli grumbled, Legolas sighed and smiled at the corner of his mouth as he noticed me.

"These people have no other hope, they depend on the fortress to protect them." I joined as I stood beside Legolas who nodded. "The King believes that what he is doing is in the best interests of all the people..." My voice trailed off as I watched the people around us hobble around, they were weak and not at all ready to fight.

"Let's keep moving!" A guard rounded around the camp, spreading the word and trying to get the people up and on their feet as quickly as he could. I hopped onto my horse and galloped to the head of the convoy where Theoden was watching with narrowed eyes.

"How far to Helm's Deep?" I asked as I slowed my horse and stopped beside him, he puffed out air and pinched the bridge of his nose. 

"Another day at least." He said quickly, glancing over at me. I ran my fingers through my hair absentmindedly as I thought about what was ahead. 

Aragorn, Theoden and I all rode in a line around the middle of the convoy while Legolas was off a small distance away, scanning the surroundings. Gimli wobbled awkwardly on the horse that had been given to him back in Edoras. Gimli was in a ridiculous conversation with Eowyn about dwarf women.

"It's true you don't see many dwarf women." Gimli sighed, looking down at Eowyn who had one hand on his horse, guiding it slightly since Gimli had pretty much no clue what he was doing. "And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, they are often mistaken for dwarf men." Gimli said in a lower tone causing Eowyn to burst out in laughter. 

I smiled at the exchange, she seemed to have too much weight on her for how young she was. 

Eowyn's head spun around to look at Aragorn who was listening in on the two's conversation, her eyes seemed filled with happiness at this current moment. Aragorn smiled. "It's the beards." He mouth and gestured to his chin only causing Eowyn to laugh more.

"And this has given rise to the belief that there are no dwarf women. And the dwarves just spring out of holes in the ground!" Gimli bellowed, throwing his arms in the air in a grand gesture. His horse jumped and galloped off, Gimli bounced for a few steps before collapsing off and onto the ground loudly. Eowyn ran after him and assisted him in getting up since he was rolling around the ground like a turtle stuck on it's back.

"I have not seen my niece smile in a long time." Theoden was smiling weakly at Eowyn, watching her with sorrow in his eyes. "She was a girl when they brought her father back dead. Cut down my orcs." He spat, furrowing his brow. "She watched her mother succumb to grief and she was left alone. To tend her King in growing fear! Doomed to wait upon an old man who should've loved her as a father." Theoden grumbled before straightening up as he saw several guards gallop past the group and away over a hill.

I narrowed my eyes as I watched the men disappear, something was wrong.

Suddenly, everything seemed very tense and Theoden stared in the direction the guards had gone in.

I looked over at Aragorn and raised in eyebrow in confusion at what was happening, he shrugged and glanced at Eowyn who was watching him closely as if she thought he would disappear if she looked away.

My head spun around as a scream flooded over the hills, it came from the direction of the guards. My shoulders dropped. 

I spurred my horse and galloped off in the direction of the scream, Legolas was ripping a dagger out of an orc with a disgusted look. 

"What is it?" I called, Legolas spun around with a look of dread. 

"A scout."  

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