Chapter 2: Riders of Rohan

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Chapter 2: Riders of Rohan

I hopped up on a rock, staring off at the red horizon that broke over the hooded land. We had been up and running for several hours already. Aragorn had woken us up early and even though my muscles protested at every movement I still pushed forward with the intention of catching up to the Uruks and saving the two hobbits who didn't deserve any of this.

"A red sun rises." I called to the others who were lagging behind and panting, besides Legolas who had now jumped up beside me standing tall.

"Blood has been spilled this night." Legolas whispered and turned to face Aragorn who nodded as he gazed at the horizon as well.

I hopped off the grey stone and froze, Legolas furrowed his eyebrows as he peered around the area. Something was coming.

"Horses?" I looked over my shoulder at Aragorn who tightened his lips as he listened before gesturing for us to hide behind the tall rock.

We quickly took cover, Gimli was panting ridiculously loud. I snorted out air as I thought about how worn out the dwarf was compared to Legolas and I.

Suddenly hundreds of horses galloped over the small incline and into the valley between rocks that dotted the landscape.

A quick smile curled on Aragorn's lips as he pushed off the rock and jogged out into the open.

"Riders of Rohan! What news from the mark?" Aragorn bellowed out over the hoof beats of the horses.

"What are you doing?!" I hissed as I ran to his side, eyeing the large group of horses.

The leader of the group turned his spear left, leading all the other riders to turn with him like a wave.

The others joined Aragorn and I while giving Aragorn a 'I hope you know what you're doing' face.

I quickly ripped my bow off my back as I realized the riders were surrounding is in a tight circle with sharp spears pointing at us.

I twitched my loaded bow back and forth between soldiers as they closed on us, Aragorn lowered my bow and held his hands up in innocence.

I eyed the leader warily, Legolas stepped slightly in front of me trying to guard me.

"What business does two elves, a man, and a dwarf have with the Riddermark. Speak quickly!" The man barked.

I scoffed at his demand and glanced over at Aragorn who opened his mouth but was quickly interrupted by Gimli.

"Give me your name horse-master, and I will give you mine." Gimli challenged as he leaned on his ax, I shut my eyes as I awaited the response.

The man tilted his head slightly before handed his spear to one of the other riders as he hopped off his horse.

"I would cut off your head, Dwarf. if it stood but a little higher from the ground." The leader grumbled.

Legolas whipped his bow out and cocked an arrow only inches away from the man's face.

"You would die before your stroke fell." Legolas hissed, the riders tightened the circle with spears at the ready.

I softly pushed Legolas's bow down and nodded before turning to the leader, shaking my head at Legolas who had a stern look on his face.

"I am Anairë, this is Legolas. Gimli. and Aragorn son of Arathron." I said smoothly as I gestured to each companion in the group.

"We are friends of Rohan and of Theoden, your King." Aragorn added. The man smirked and sighed deeply.

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