Chapter 15: Forth Eorlingas

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Chapter 15: Forth Eorlingas

I stared at the door in disbelief, men was quickly putting up large logs to try to prevent the uruks from entering the fort. Aragorn was running back and forth and Legolas was helping put the logs against the door.

"The fortress is taken. It is over." King Theoden said, his voice full of sadness and defeat. 

"You said yourself that this fortress would never fall while you men defend it. They are still defending it. They have died defending it!" I hissed, I lost a friend in this and he was willing to give up this easily.

"Is there no way for the women and children to get out of the caves?" Aragorn asked frantically, looking between him and Gamling, who was his left hand man it seemed.

Silence floated in the air.

"Is there no other way?" Aragorn repeated, moving forward slightly. I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"There is one passage. It leads into the mountains. But they will not get far, the Uruk-hair are too many." Gamling explained quickly.

Aragorn grabbed Gamling's shoulder, "Send word for the women and children to make for the mountain pass. And barricade the entrance!" Aragorn retorted.

Gamling nodded sharply and began to head to the caves but froze when Theoden opened his mouth.

"So much death." Theoden said grimly, shaking his head. "What can men do against such reckless hate?" He asked.

"Ride out with me." Aragorn said slowly. My head perked up as I watched him carefully, studying his face as he searched for his next words. Theoden furrowed his eyebrows and turned to face Aragorn.

"For death and glory?" He asked.

"For Rohan. For your people." Aragorn nodded.

"The sun is rising." Gimli announced. I glanced at the small window close to the ceiling, pale rays of sunlight leaked through the small gap.

"Yes! The horn of Helm Hammerhand shall sound in the deep on last time." Theoden smiled proudly, nodding at Aragorn.

"Yes!" Gimli growled, spinning on his heel and charging off.

"Let this be the hour when we draw swords together." Theoden put his hand on Aragorn's shoulder.

A few men had gathered up the horses, I quickly hopped onto mine. Gritting my teeth as I awaited the next moment, we would at least surprise the uruks, I smirked at the thought at watched as Theoden jumped onto a horse and unsheathed his sword, clenching his jaw.

"Fell deeds awake. Now for wrath. Now for ruin. And the red dawn!" He bellowed and held his sword in front of him.

A loud deep horn echoed through the Keep and Theoden let out a war cry, which was followed with more cries.

"Forth Eorlingas!" He cried and spirred his horse, charging through the gates and trampling over the uruks down the causeway.

The clashing of swords rang in my ears as I sliced through the uruks quickly, trying to get as many as I could. I winced against a bright light that began pouring over a high hill, almost a mountain.

I narrowed my eyes as a white horse bucked at the top.

"Gandalf." I whispered to myself, smiling at the corner of my mouth, I grimiced when I noticed he was alone.

Another man rode up beside him unsheathing his sword as a group of horses charged up behind him. 

"To the king!" A voice cried out and the army began charging down the steep hill, the sunlight was peaking over the top even more. Gandalf had planned this.

Just before the horse collided with the Uruk-hai the sun flashed over the hill, blinding the uruks who had their spears sticking out causing them to pull them back to cover their eyes.

The new army carved through the uruks quickly, I loosed arrows into several that were running off towards a line of trees. 

"Stay out of the forest! Keep away from the trees!" A man rode in front of a line of horse, I recognized him. It was Eomer, the man we had met when we were tracking Merry and Pippin across the plains.

They suddenly flashed back into my mind, Gandalf had assured us that they were safe and all I could do was believe him. We had wasted a major and tiring journey tracking them though, I hope we would see them soon.

My mind came back into the present as the loud groaning of trees filled my mind, the forest was moving. Uruks shrieked out in pain and horror as the trees attacked them, engulfing them in their roots.

I puffed out air and hung my head, breathing deeply as I glanced over at Gandalf who smiled warmly at me.

"I was beginning to think you weren't coming." I joked, laughing weakly. I was worn out. I would sleep for at least a whole day after this.

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