Chapter 16: The Battle for Helm's Deep is Over

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Chapter 16: The Battle for Helm's Deep is Over

I hopped over my horse, wincing at the pain that shot through my legs when they collided with the ground. I stumbled through the keep and down to the sewer area when the Rohirrim were clearing up the bodies.

I smirked at Gimli, he was perched on top of a dead uruk, smoking his pipe happily. 

"What's your final count then?" I asked, sighing deeply as he chuckled at me.

"I'm waiting on the prince." He joked, I chortled as Legolas sauntered over, running his finger up the length of his bow and grinning stupidly at the dwarf.

"Final count: fourty-two." He annouced, smiling smugly at his accomplishment. I titled my head and looked over at Gimli who had removed his pipe and stared in awe at Legolas.

"Fourty-two?!" He gasped, Legolas nodded. "Well, that's not bad for a pointy-eared Elvish princling." Gimli said sarcastically, "I myself am sitting pretty of fourty-three." 

I covered my mouth to stop my laughter, Legolas's eyes widened and he quickly grabbed an arrow and loosed it into the uruk Gimli was sitting on it one swift movement. Smirking at the dwarf.

"Fourty-three." He announced smugly. 

"He was already dead." Gimli grumbled, staring down at the arrow between his legs.

"He was twitching." 

"He was twitching because he's got my ax embedded in his nervous system!" Gimli growled, shaking the handle of his ax in the skull of the uruk that twitched slightly.

I smirked and crossed my arms, earning confused stares from the both of them.

I cleared my throat and shifted my weight, laughing slightly at the two of them. 

"Final count: fourty-five." I chuckled and turned on my heel and headed back up into the Keep to Aragorn and Gandalf, leaving Gimli and Legolas staring at me.

Gandalf and Legolas were tacking up their horse, Theoden and Eomer were doing the same. I raised an eyebrow at Aragorn. 

"We are going to Isengard." He answered my question before I even asked it. I sighed and quickly grabbed my horse and readied him, Legolas had now joined us but not before telling me how I wasn't really part of the contest because I hadn't said anything to either of them.

We walked out of Helms Deep and sat on top of a ridge that overlooked rolling plains and on the horizon I could make out dark ridges siloutetted by red sky that lit up like lightning.


"Sauron's wrath will be terrible. His retribution swift." Gandalf nodded his head towards Mordor.

"The battle for Helm's Deep is over. The battle for Middle-Earth is about to begin." He annouced grimly before his face softened.

"All our hopes now lie with two little hobbits somewhere in the wilderness."



I hope you guys liked the second installment of my Lord of the Rings fan fiction. The third book will be starting soon!(: Thank you all and please comment and vote!

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