Chapter 9: Helm's Deep

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Chapter 9: Helm's Deep

We quickly retrieved our horses and galloped over the plains in silence, I was deep in thought as I went through the events leading up to Aragorn's disappearance; I mentally scolded myself for not being there to help him.

Our group galloped over a hill and the rolling plains ended abruptly and changed to a barren rocky landscape revealing a massive and ancient structure, a long wall lined the side and a walkway led up into the fort itself.

"Make way for the King!" A guard called out as we slowed our horses and entered through the large wooden gates and up to the keep.

I shook my head and jumped off my horse quickly, grabbing the reins and turning on my heel to head to the stables. Eowyn came running up to meet me with a worried look on her face.

"So few. So few of you have returned." She looked past my shoulder at Theoden who was helping the injured off the horses.

Theoden avoided eye contact and continued helping the men, "Our people are safe. We have paid with it with many lives." He said quickly and turned on his heel, heading into the keep.

"Lord Aragorn... Where is he?" Eowyn looked over at me, he eyebrows were knitted together with worry and I could see her emotion change as she saw the sadness in my eyes.

Gimli hobbled over and leaned on his axe, clearing his throat. Eowyn's gaze went down to the dwarf.

"he fell." Gimli's voice cracked and I shut my eyes as the words bounced around in my head. Legolas grabbed my arm and walked with me to the stables.

I yanked my bow off my back and threw it on the ground when I entered the stables, my horse bucked slightly at my movements as I quickly tied him onto a post to remove the saddle.

"Anaire." Legolas looked at me carefully as I undid the saddle briskly, my eyes didn't move, I couldn't think I just needed to focus on the task at hand or I would lose it.

I pulled the saddle off and set it on the door, sighing deeply as I ran my fingers through my wavy hair. Legolas had removed the saddle off his horse and sauntered over to me, setting the saddle on the door on top of mine.

"He can't be dead." I whispered, looking up slowly from a fixed point on the ground to Legolas's piercing blue eyes.

I shook my head and charged out of the stables down the sloping stone and through a small tunnel on the right that led out onto the Deeping wall, I puffed out air and leaned on the stone, looking out over the barren rocky landscape. 

I closed my eyes as a cool wind mingled through my hair, it was strange how silent the world was for something so horrible to be happening everything was so peaceful.

"Strange, isn't it?" A soft voice called from beside me, my eyes popped open. Eowyn dragged her hand across the stone as she approaching and stood in the same position as me. 

"The silence?" I raised an eyebrow and looked forward back to the landscape.

"Yes." She sighed and looked down at the ground slowly.

"Do you have any idea what is coming?" Eowyn finally broke the silence, my head jerked over. Eowyn's pale blue eyes burned into mine, she seemed afraid but still strong. I admired her, not many men had the strength she had.

I shook my head slowly and looked back across the valley and towards Isengard. 

Saruman wanted to destroy Rohan, that much I knew.


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