Chapter 14: The Battle for Helm's Deep

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Chapter 14: The Battle for Helm's Deep

I quickly made my way out to the Deeping Wall, pushing through the rows of soldiers before finally finding my place at Legolas's side. A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth when he noticed that I had finally made my way over here.

"I thought you were going to miss out." He joked, smiling over at me brightly. I scoffed and adjusted my weight quickly, there was no light outside and the thunder was now directly overhead, I was just awaiting the pouring rain to engulf us.

Far off rumbling began to fill my ears, I narrowed my eyes as I stared at the horizon. Small, distant lights were moving closer and closer and the grunting and shouting began to become clear. They were here.

Gimli hopped slightly as he tried to peer over the wall before glaring up at Legolas who was trying his hardest not to look down at the dwarf. I smirked and glanced down at him.

"You could have picked a better spot." Gimli mumbled, Legolas smiled at the corner of his mouth just as Aragorn stood in between Legolas and I, staring off at the line of Uruk-hai moving relentlessly forward.

"Well lad, the luck you live by, let's hope it lasts the night." Gimli sighed, there was a flash of lightning and a loud boom of thunder just as the rain began to trickle out of the sky, picking up into a downpour quickly. I puffed out air and pulled my hood over my head quickly before grabbing my bow off my back and gripping to tight against my chest.

The army made no noise as they stood there awaiting the battle that was about to ensue, the uruks were now close and the bellows became more distinct.

"Your friends are with you, Aragorn." Legolas assured, Gimli pressed his lips together.

"Let's hope they last the night." He grumbled.

There was one loud, very distinct roar that caused the uruks to stop moving forward. We stared them down as silence flooded through the air.

Aragorn walked down the line of elves, "Show them no mercy! For you shall receive none!" He called out elvish.

I ran my hand over my face and glanced over at Legolas who grabbed my hand as he sensed my apprehension, he squeezed slightly at smiled weakly at me, tilting his head slightly as he did so. 

Growls and roars called out from below as the uruks prepared themselves.

"What's happening out there?" Gimli asked as he landed from a jump.

"Shall I describe it to you?" Legolas asked and looked down at the dwarf, "Or would you like me to find you a box?" 

Gimli cackled loudly and I snorted at the remark, elbowing Legolas in the ribs as he stifled a laugh.

The front row of uruks began banging their spears on the ground rhythmically and pounding their armor, chanting Black Speech. We readied our arrows and stared down the uruks, Legolas began talking out loud about the weak spots on their armor.

My head jerked over as the whizzing sound of an arrow flew down from the fortress, jabbing an uruk in the neck. The uruk slowly fell onto the ground and the ones surrounding it exchanged looks, growling to one another.

The uruks roar out in anger and begin charging forward, I clenched my jaw and awaited Aragorn's orders.

Aragorn's sword swung through the air as he told us to fire, we all loosed our arrows at once, each arrow finding their mark. The uruks fell over, trampled by the ones that sprinted behind them.

"Anybody hit anything?" Gimli asked frantically, arrows continued flying through the air, showering down on the uruks and quickly taking the front soldiers out.

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