Chapter 10: Worries

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Chapter 10: Worries

I plopped down at the end of one of the long tables that ran down the main hall, Gimli wandered in shortly after and plopped a cup down in front of me. I sighed and shook my head as I pushed the tankard.

"What's the matter, lass?" Gimli asked, raising one of his thick eyebrows as he sat down across from me. I rubbed my temples softly and glanced out of the main hall and watched the pale sunset for a moment.

"We need more men." I blurted out rather loudly, Gimli nodded as he took a swig of ale.

"Aye," He sighed and shook his head slowly, "I do not expect Saruman to let Rohan off easily." He continued, I narrowed my eyes at him as I thought about his comment. He was correct, everyone here knew that.

I hummed as my eyes flickered around the room, "Where's Legolas?" I asked as I brought my eyes back to Gimli who shrugged and continued chugging his ale.

I pushed up from the table and sauntered out of the main hall and into the circular keep, I traced the stone with my fingertips as I studied it. The stones were ancient, it was amazing that this place has stood for this long.

"There you are!" A familar voice called out from behind me, I spun around quickly and raised an eyebrow at him. Legolas smirked and motioned for me to follow him.

"I'm helping the guards out tonight." He said quickly, breathing heavily as if he was out of breath. "To get all the supplies ready and start moving the women and children into the caves." He stopped and leaned against the stone wall in front of the main hall, the sun had passed beyond the horizon and the pale glow of moonlight began lighting the keep.

"Anairë." Legolas said softly, I jerked my gaze back to him. His blue eyes stared at me softly, worry filled them. I was worn out and anxious for what was to come, I really didn't have anything to talk about.

"Sorry." I said quickly and pinched the bridge of my nose. "I'm going to find somewhere to clean off." I sighed and trotted up the steps.

Eowyn was walking out of a hallway off to my right, dabbing her wet hair softly with a cloth.

I raised an eyebrow at her and she immediately knew what I was wondering.

"I'll get them to run another bath." She smiled weakly and turned on her heel.

"Thank you!" I yelled after her, she waved over her shoulder as she turned the corner.

I followed after a few moments, an elderly woman was standing outside a door with a cloth in her hand.

"Here you are, ma'am." The woman smiled slightly as she handed me the cloth, I nodded and walked through the door which opened into a very small room with a wooden tub on the far side against the wall; steam swirled around in the air.

I quickly peeled my armor off and hopped into the water, sighing deeply as the warm water washing over my aching muscles.

I stared at the ceiling as thoughts raced through my mind.

Where was Frodo and Sam? Were they even alive? Is everything we are doing in vain? What about Aragorn?

I shook my head and tried to push these thoughts away and relax for a few moments.

I soaked for some time before finally running the now luke-warm water through my hair and washing off.

I hopped out of the shower and dapped a soft cloth over my body before pulling a pair of tan pants and my white undershirt on quickly and barging out of the washroom.

I puffed out air as I pulled my dripping hair into a loose bun, strands of hair fell out and down my cheeks.

I staggered sleepily down the hallway and through another doorway that led into one of the areas that seemed to have been designated for sleep. There were at least fifty bedrolls in this small room.

I flopped down on one in the corner, away from the snoring men in the room.

I shut my eyes as I tried to sleep, thoughts kept creeping into my mind. I knew Saruman would not leave Rohan alone, he knew that Theoden had fled to Helms Deep; he would attack with his full force.

There wouldn't be another day of silence. He was coming.


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