Chapter 5: Remembrance

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Chapter 5: Remembrance

The whole population of Edoras lined the streets down and out of the city, to where the burial mounds were located just outside the walls. Théoden led the way, he covered himself with a thick fur coat and walked slowly and heavily. Leading the procession were guards held a beautifully decorated gurney which carried Théodred, the King's son.

Sniffs and wails called out as we walked down the stairs and closer to the mound where the prince was to be buried. Standing beside the mound was Éowyn, she was wearing all black with a golden simple crown; she was struggling to keep her composure as we neared.

We stopped in front of the mound, I averted my eyes from the body and pressed my lips together. This death was unnecessary and should've been prevented, Saruman and his henchmen were the reason for it. 

Éowyn began singing an ancient language, the tones were low and somber and echoed over the plains as the guards slowly moved Théodred into the tomb and with the last note sung slammed a stone over the entrance.

I glanced over at Éowyn who had tears streaming down her face, I wanted to comfort her but this might not be the best time for any of us. I shook my head and trotted over to Gandalf's side close behind Théoden.

Théoden was staring at a small, white flower. Finally releasing it, it spiraled down to the ground and waved slightly in the breeze.

"Simbelmynë." Théoden sighs and looks up at Gandalf, the rest of the people had now moved back into the city and it was only the three of us in the field, except Legolas who stood just a few feet off. I frowned and stared at the burial mounds, the white flowers covered them.

"Ever has it grown on the tombs of my forebearers." Théoden looked around and then back at Gandalf, his face was heavy with regret and sorrow. "And now it shall cover the tomb of my son." His voice cracked and he blinked rapidly, trying to keep the tears away.

"Alas, that these evil days should be mine. The young perish and the old linger. That should live to see the last days of my house." Théoden shook his head and stared at the ground. 

I puffed out air and my eyebrows knitted together with sympathy, "Théodred’s death is not of your making." I tried to reassure the King the best I could, I understood the pain he was feeling. Théoden looked over at me with red eyes, "No parent should have to bury their child." He managed and began to break down crying.

"He was strong in life. His spirit will find its way to the halls of your fathers." Gandalf nodded and looked off in the distance, "Be-thou well. Go-thou, Théodred, Go thou." He said in the same language Éowyn had been speaking earlier.

I turned as Gandalf said his prayers and left Théoden to grieve in privacy, I raised an eyebrow as a horse came over the hill in the distance and a small silhouette fell off.

"Legolas!" I called out and began sprinting towards the horse, Legolas ran after me. I quickly met up with the horse and it's passengers, two small children, a boy and a girl. They had been riding for days it seemed and needed food and water, why were these children alone?

My eyes flickered around the landscape for one of the children's parents, but I found no one. Legolas caught up to me, "The other child fell over there." I gestured to where a small body was laying, the girl was younger than the boy, Legolas wrapped the boy in his arms and headed for the great hall.

We quickly took the children up to the hall to give them food and warm them. Théoden was sitting in his throne with his hand pressed against his mouth in thought.

Éowyn wrapped a blanket around the girl, "Where's mama?" The girl panicked, I puffed out air and pinched the bridge of my nose and plopped into a bench across from Legolas.

"They had no warning, they were unarmed. Now the wildmen are moving through the Westfold, burning as they go." Éowyn said, "Rick, cot, and tree." She spat and sat down slowly in a chair close to the children.

Gandalf shook his head, "This is but a taste of the terror that Saruman will unleash. All the more potent for he is driven now by fear of Sauron. Ride out and meet him head on." Gandalf said as placed his hand on Théoden's throne, who looked over at Gandalf. "Draw him away from your women and children" Gandalf continued, "You must fight." Gandalf said.

"You have two thousand good men riding north as we speak. Éomer is loyal to you. His men will return to fight for their King." Aragorn piped up, Théoden shook his head and hopped out of his seat and bounded down the hall a few steps.

"They will be three hundred leagues from her by now." He shook his head again, "Éomer cannot help us. I know what you want of me." Théoden turned on his heel to face Gandalf, "But I will not bring further death on my people. I will not risk open war." Théoden said quickly. 

My eyes shot between Gandalf, Aragorn and Théoden as I waited for a response. 

"Open war is upon you, rather you would risk it or not." Aragorn unfolded his arms and stared at the King, I narrowed my eyes at Théoden who quickly jerked his head to face Aragorn and closed the distance between them. "When last I looked, Théoden, not Aragorn, was king of Rohan." He said in a loud whisper.

"Then what is the King's decision?" Gandalf asked as he walked towards Théoden, who stared at Gandalf. "We will go to Helm's Deep."

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