Chapter 4: To Edoras

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Chapter 4: To Edoras

We galloped over the golden plains in a tight group and stopped at the top of a slight hill.

My eyes widened at the view in front of me, there was a mountain-or large hill- in the center of the rolling plains, it rose high above the ground. The valley it was located in was surrounded by snowy mountains and a gale blew through the valley.

At the top of the hill was a large hall with a golden thatched roof that shimmered brightly in the sunlight like a beacon.

"Edoras and the Golden Hall of Meduseld. There dwells Theoden, King of Rohan, whose mind is overthrown." Gandalf looked over his shoulder at the three of us with a scowl, "Saruman's hold of King Theoden is now very strong." He warned and spurred on Shadowfax.

We quickly followed him, galloping up to the city and slowing as we entered the gates. The city was silent and empty except a few worn out villagers who watch us warily.

"You'll find more cheer in a graveyard." Gimli grumbled, I nodded and glanced up at the Great Hall.

A woman dressed in white was standing on the stone porch watching us approach. I looked over at Legolas and back up, she was gone.

I shook my head and hopped off my horse close to the Hall and walked up to Gandalf's side.

"Be careful what you say. Do not look for welcome here." Gandalf whispered, I straightened my back and nodded.

Gandalf adjusted his grey robes to cover the white cloak underneath and he began to hobble up the steps like an old man.

I raised an eyebrow over at Legolas who shrugged, we followed him.

When we reached the top of the stairs we were met with guards, all but one had a helmet on. His hair was red and long, his red beard was short; he grimaced at us.

"Ah." Gandalf smiled warmly, I narrowed my eyes at the men standing in front of us.

"I cannot allow you in front of Theoden-King so armed, Gandalf Greyhame, by order of Grima Wormtongue." The red haired man said, gesturing to our weapons.

Gandalf sighed and nodded us, he puffed out air and I sheathed my daggers, frowning as I handed them to the guards. Gimli grumbled under his breath as he handed off his axes. We all removed our weapons quickly and waited to be allowed inside the Hall.

"Your staff." The man gestured to Gamdalf's staff, I watched him closely, we all did.

"Oh," Gandalf ticked, "You would not part an old man from his walked stick?" Gandalf stared at the man innocently.

The man sighed and nodded reluctantly.

Gandalf winked at Aragorn earning a smile at the corner of his mouth. Gandalf leaned on Legolas's arm, acting weak.

"The courtesy of your hall is somewhat lessened of late, Theoden-King." Gandalf announced as he hobbled down the hall.

Gimli, Aragorn and I made a box around Gandalf and Legolas. Gimli was on the left, I was on the right and Aragorn took up the back.

A group of ragged men begin following us in the shadows as we walked closed to Theoden.

A man clothed in all black was hunched over beside Theoden, whispering things in his ears. The King himself looked sickly, long frazzled grey hairs puffed from his head and his eyes were pale and unknowing, his skin was almost white and wrinkly.

"He's not welcome." The man whispered to the King, I figured that was Grima. His name was perfect for how he looked, a worm.

"And why... should I welcome you? Gandalf Stormcrow..." The Kings' voice was weak and trailed off as he looked over at Grima for guidance.

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