The School's Player Is Back At It Again

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The next day at school it seemed like yesterday never happened. I actually thought we were past the bickering.

I was at my locker retrieving my chemistry book when Mason decided to talk with me. And with talking I mean stupid pick-up lines.

"You must be the reason for global warming, since you're so hot."

"Actually global warming is mostly caused by too much carbon dioxide in the air."

"I love it when you talk nerdy to me."

"I'm sure you do, it's the only brain exercise you get."

"If you were a cheeto, you'd be a hot cheeto."

I swear his lines were getting lamer and lamer.

"No wonder the sky is grey today, all the blue is in your eyes."

"First off, the sky is clear blue. Secondly, my eyes are green."

"I ship us."

"We would sink faster than the titanic."

"I'm such a fool when it comes to you." He smiled at me and it was beauti- no. It was weird, he never smiled like that. I felt the corners of my mouth twitch upward, but managed to keep a straight face.

"You're already a fool without me, you don't need me for that."

He lets out a sigh, "Why won't you flirt back?" He pouted at me.

"Oh, was that called flirting?"

"Don't diss my flirting skills, they're on point."

I bursted out laughing, "On point? Dude, that sounds so weird coming out of your mouth."

He grinned, "I got you to laugh, so I don't care if what I said was stupid."

I rolled my eyes, he's such a womanizer.

We smiled at each other, "What class do you have?"


"Me too! I'm glad I don't have to suffer alone."

He shook his head laughing, "Yeah, that guy scares the shit out off me."

I nodded in agreement, "Apparently he used to be in the army, that's why he's like that. Yesterday he made a kid cry."

Suddenly Mason cursed out loud and slammed the locker next to me, making me jump in fright.

"What the heck was that for?"

"I forgot to do the homework. He's going to kill me."

I whistled, "You're so screwed."

Mason went down on his knees, "Please, please, please let me copy your homework. I will be forever grateful."

I tapped my chin, "Hmm, only if you promise to buy me foo-"

"Don't bother Masey, Brookie doesn't let anyone copy off of her. Not even her best friend. She totally screwed me over yesterday when we had the Biology test," Sarah interrupted me.

"Don't call me Masey, the name is Mason. M-a-s-o-n." He folded his arms and pouted at her.

Sarah giggled at him, "You're so cute Masey."
I sighed and rubbed the temple of my head in annoyance.

"How did your test go?"

"It went horrible thanks to you."

I rolled my eyes and tried to keep myself from shouting profanities at her. She was really getting on my last nerve.
"Sarah, I told you. I didn't want to be caught cheating. My dad would kill me."

"Yeah well, I needed that grade."

"Then you should've studied!"

She scoffed, "I was doing more important stuff."

"Like what?"

"None of your business."
Sarah strutted away, but not before she shot me a glare.

I shook my head and turned around facing Mason.
He stared at me with wide eyes. "What?" I asked agitated.

"You and Sarah have never fought before. But just so you know, I'm on your side. That girl never does anything for school and basically cheats off others every time." He threw his arm around me.

I shoved it off me, "Thanks, but I'm sure she'll come around soon. Anyways," I gave Mason my Chemistry homework, "Hurry up and copy it. We only have fifteen minutes until the bell rings and you know how much Mr. Panes hates students who are late."

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