The School's Player And Going On A Date

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The day of the dreadful date has come.
It's not that I dread going with Mason, it's just the whole idea of a date.
Just thinking of what to wear is giving me stress acne.
I don't know whether to dress more casual or fancy, he has given me no clue whatsoever.

While I was stressing out over my outfit choice, my phone buzzed with a new message.
"Can't wait for our date in two hours. I'll make this a night you won't forget."

A smile spread across my cheeks. Ugh, he's turning me into some sappy girl. Not even my ex made me act this way.
I decided on black skinny jeans and a floral top. Not too fancy and not too casual.
Now I just had to figure out what to do with this mess of hair. Straight or curly?
Curling my hair would be such a hassle. Also, I would most likely burn myself in the process.
Straight hair it is.

The two hours went by way too fast. He could arrive any minute now. I grabbed my bag and went downstairs. I paced in the living room. My nerves were on high.

The sound of the doorbell almost gave me a heart attack. Mason's here.
I checked my hair once more in the mirror and opened the door.
Wow. He cleaned up nicely. He wore a tight white t shirt that showed off his muscled with a pair of blue jeans.

"Hi," he smiled at me.

"Hi." Why am I so awkward? Okay Brooke, say something funny.
Why can't I think of anything to say? Calm down Brooke! Don't fo-

"You look really pretty."

"Thanks, you too! No wait- I meant handsome. You look really handsome," I avoided eye contact and played with my hands.
Stupid. Way to go Brooke.

Mason chuckled, "Thank you. Shall we go? I thought we could have dinner at the park."

"The park?"

"Yeah. I cooked dinner and brought it with me. I thought it would relieve some of the pressure, instead of going to a restaurant."

"Yes, that sounds wonderful."

"Great, let's go then."

We walked to his car.
"Milady," he said as he opened the door for me.
"Thank you, kind sir." I curtsied before I stepped in the car.

Mason walked around the car and got in at the driver's side.
"You want to listen to some music?"

I nodded as he turned on the radio. The drive to the park was only five minutes.
The weather outside was really nice. Sunny with a soft breeze.

We decided to sit down near the pond. Mason placed down his picnic basket together with a blanket for us to sit on. He brought out three plastic containers. One filled with lasagna, a second one filled with bread and the last one filled with chocolate chip cookies.

"Did you really make all of this yourself? It's delicious."

He rubbed his neck, "I'm going to be honest here and admit that I had some help from my mom. But I came up with the idea."

"In that case, thank your mom from me," I winked at him. He rolled his eyes playfully at me as we ate the food.

"So, tell me about your family."

I shot him a confused look, "What do you want to know about my family?"

"What are they like? Do you have any siblings?"

"Well, I'm an only child. My dad is a bit of a workaholic, so I don't see him as often as I'd like to. He's a nice guy though." I didn't really know how to respond to his question, since my dad and I aren't that close. There's not much to say about him. I feel like I barely know my dad.

"What about your mom? I've heard you talk about your dad, but not much about your mom."

I sighed, I knew this was going to come up someday.
"I already told you my mom left us. I still don't know why, but I think it was for the better. It was less of a home and more of brick and cement keeping together a family that would otherwise have fallen apart. My dad started working more to distract himself. I would love more than anything to blame everything on my mom, but I can't."

"That must've been hard."

"Yeah, it sometimes still is. I don't think I'll ever get used to the feeling of being alone."

"Well, if you let me, you don't have to be alone anymore."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean that I want to be there for you. I want to be the one you call if you ever feel alone."

"That's really sweet of you. I'd love that, thank you."

"Anything for you."

I eyed him skeptically. It seemed like everything that was coming out of his mouth was just a bit too cliché to be real. Maybe I was just overthinking things again.

Mason moved closer to me. I felt his leg against mine. The butterflies in my stomach fluttered loose. "How's your part of the project coming along? Are you almost finished?" Wow, great conversation topic Brooke. Talking about school on a date. 

"Yes, I'm almost finished. I just need to add everything together. How about you?"

His fingers started playing with mine. Oh gosh, what do I do. Do I ignore it, do I say something about it? I'm not experienced in this!

"Yeah, I am close to finishing. It just needs, uh, it needs a couple finishing touches."

I stared at our hands. It felt kinda nice to be honest.
It was quiet for a bit, I looked up and saw Mason staring at me. I lifted my left eyebrow.

"I really can't get a read on you."

"How so? My emotions? How I'm feeling?"
If the butterflies could calm down a bit, that would be much appreciated.

"No, that's not what I mean. I can't figure out if it's okay if I kissed you."

Shit. What now. Should I? Should I not?
What do I do? I want to, but I can't. Can I?

I decided to talk over the subject, which in hind side I regret. I should've kissed him. I just got too nervous. We talked until it began to get cold outside.

"Thank you for taking me here. I had a great time."

"Me too, maybe we can do this again sometime?"
He rubbed his neck, avoiding eye contact.
It was hard to see in the dark, but I think he might've been blushing.

I grabbed his chin softly and pulled it towards my direction, so that his eyes met mine.
"I'd like that very much."

He gave me a soft smile and held out his hand for me.
I grabbed it and he pulled me up.

"You ready to go?"

"Yeah," no. I didn't want this night to end.

We grabbed all our stuff and went back to his car. The ride home was spent in a comfortable silence. When we arrived at my house, Mason walked me to the door.

I turned around facing the door, "Goodnight."

He grabbed my arm and turned me around.
"You can't leave without letting me hug you first."
Before I could respond, he engulfed me in a hug. His cologne hit my nose. It wasn't overbearing, but a really soft manly scent.
When I pulled away, he pulled me in closer and gave me a hard squeeze.

"Goodnight, mi amor"

The Player And Me (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now