1- Books

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Ada = Father

Rayne P.O.V
Sitting in my library I finish reading a book. As I stand up to put it back in it's shelf the door opens.

"Rayne, how are you?" Lord Elrond asks.

"I see you've finished another book."
I smile. "I have ada, I was just about to read another book on the history of middle earth," I reply back. I could tell from the look on his face that he had news for me. "What is wrong ada? Is Arwen alright?"

He shook his head. "No, she is quite alright. Her trip is going smoothly. I have other business to discuss with you." He walked over to me. "Have you given it any thought about marriage?"

"I must confess I haven't given it much thought."

"Well think of it now, I have arranged a marriage for you."

"Ada, is this one of your visions?"

He nods. "Yes, and I think this is for the best. Strange things are occurring in middle earth. We will travel to Mirkwood tomorrow at first light. I advise you gather your things."

"Why so soon?" I was surprised.

"I have to travel for a meeting with the council. It's best if you and your fiancé get to know each other as soon as possible."

"If I may ask, who is my betrothed?"

"King Thranduil's son, Prince Legolas. Now I must prepare for our journey tomorrow. Please don't leave packing until the last minute." With that he left.

Prince Legolas. I was to marry the King's son. I sat back down in my chair as I chose a new book to read. My mind got the better of me and I couldn't help but wonder what the prince would be like. I heard rumors that he was good looking and kind. He was a free spirit and loved to wander the forests.

Walking back to my room I see that my maids are already packing my things. As soon as I walk in they stop what they're doing and greet me. I smile.

"Anna, Marie, you two know me so well," I say.

"Someone has to make sure Lord Elrond doesn't scold you again," Anna states.

"We heard the news about your engagement to the Prince," Marie squealed. "You're so lucky."

I laugh. "How can I marry someone I do not know?"

Anna gives me a sympathetic smile. "He is a good man, I'm sure you will learn to love him soon enough. He doesn't lack in looks if that's any comfort."

"But does he have a good heart? Anna, I don't think I'm ready for marriage."

"Lady Rayne, just give him a chance. You haven't even met the guy and you have your doubts. Trust in your father. Would he do this if it wasn't in your best interest?" Marie asks.

"I suppose not," I grumbled. Why do they always seem to convince me?

"See? That wasn't so hard? Now why don't you help us with your packing or else you might not be able to sneak some of your favorite books with you to Mirkwood."

Oh how I loved these two. They have always been there for me for as long as I can remember. I walk over to my book shelves and begin to choose which books I wanted to take and which I would leave behind. I decided to take a book about healing and herds that Arwen had given me for my birthday about a hundred or so years ago, another book about solely herbs and their different uses, a book about all the legends and myths of middle earth, one about weaponry, and several others about random topics. I chose books about healing because I figured they might come in handy some day.

After all my best dresses and jewelry were packed along with my books Anna and Marie went back to help out in the kitchen. As I sat alone in my room I walked over to a chest at the foot of my bed and took out my bow and arrows. I had a feeling I could be needing these during my stay at Mirkwood. Spiders were one of the biggest threats to their boarders.

I was working on an art piece when I hear a knock on my door signaling that it was dinner time. I quickly made my way down to the dinning hall.

As I walked in I greeted Ada and to my surprise Arwen and Aragorn.

"I didn't know you were back from your trip," I told Arwen. "and you Aragorn, how have your travels as a ranger been?"

"Rayne, why don't you take a seat so that dinner might begin," Ada tells me in a stern voice.

Apparently Arwen was here to say her goodbyes and to help me pack while Aragorn was here as my escort.

"Why do I need an escort if I am traveling with you Ada?" I question but I already know the answer.

"There is word of an orc legion traveling along our path to Mirkwood, I thought it best if you traveled separate with Aragorn on a safer path. I will arrive in Mirkwood a few hours before the two of you."

I don't question him for the rest of dinner. He is a seer so he must have seen something. I notice that Arwen and Aragorn were pretty close.

Dinner ended and Arwen went with me to my room.

"I'm so happy for you little sister," She grinned. "The Prince is such a wonderful person I'm almost positive you will love him."

"How can you be so sure Arwen? I do not even know him?"

"He is a good friend of Aragorn and I have met his during my travels. There is nothing to fear but fear itself. He is strong and will be able to take good care of you. Father is just worried that you will be left on your own. There is a darkness that is spreading all over middle earth, he just wants to make sure you are safe if anything were to happen."

I sighed. "So what is it between you and Aragorn?"

She blushes. "I confess we are in love, but I know father will be against it. Aragorn and I have decided to wait until after you and Legolas are wed in a year as per tradition. One year exactly on April tenth of next year you will be wed to the Prince."

"Why is Father so against it?"

"For us to be together I will have to give up my immortality. That is the price. Aragorn is mortal and though he is of royal blood line and is granted an exceptionally long life he will still die." She looked at me. "That is why father is against it. He knows that one day Aragorn will die and leave me alone. But enough about me. What about you? Have you decided what you are going to wear?"

Arwen continued to ask me question after question until it grew late and we had to go to bed. Elves did not need sleep, but it was a luxury and a habit we had adopted from our human friends.

A/N: 4/3/17
Word count: 1,210

Side note: italicized words will be Elvis and regular words are English. I don't really have the time to look up phrases in elvish and I think it will be easier for all of us. Ada will be the only elvish word I will use that is not italicized. Probably.

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