part 13

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First of all I wanted to say I'm sorry it took me so long to update but I've been so busy with school and a few activitys we have to do. I also have been try to make the updates bigger so it take more time. Most of all I wanted to say thank on the over 200 reads it means the absolute world to me and I hope you guys keep enjoying it. Share this with your friends, coment, vote. I try to update at least once a week but we'll see out it goes.

Sarah filled up the silence with the beautiful sound of her voice and none of us were talking.

I was looking around the fire when my eyes found Harry's, he was smiling at me and I quickly looked away. John noticed something was wrong

"Is everything ok?" he whispered 

"Yeah, why shouldn't it be?" I smiled at him before turning my eyes to the fire. "James will you walk me home please? I need to work tomorrow"

"Really? You work?" Logan's surprise tone made me laugh

"I'm just doing a friend a favour"

I walked over to Harry "See that little bar over there?"  I pointed at Jeremy's bar  "Stop by tomorrow so I can give you your shirt back"


"See you guys around" I picked up my belongings from the floor and started to walk. James walked beside me  "My car is over there J"

"I'd rather walk if that's ok"

"But the car is right here"

"I want to walk ok? No move that ass"

"Fuck Jane, it was the damn kiss wasn't it?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You're all moody now"

"Fine, you don't have to put up with me if you don't want to" I walked faster into the darkness


I turned back "what?"

"You're lucky I've known you my whole life, now let me what's bothering you"


"Don't throw a tantrum now Harris"

I have a short fuse, I couldn't hold the feelings inside me anymore " Yes it was the damn kiss James, in fact it was Harry, all flirty and cute. He borrowed me his shirt and kept me warm. This is why I don't kiss boys I just met. It raises these feelings inside me. Besides that there's John. If I wasnt sure about what I feel about him, now it's all just tangled in my head. Happy?"

He pushed me into a hug "Stop overthinking Harris. You need to let things go with the flow" he held me close 

He was right. Sometimes I'd let my thoughts control me and I couldn't.

"You're right" I let go of him

"As always"  he was smirking  "But for now keep them both on the friendzone ok? You don't know either of them well enough. Also because I hate when you stress out that much"

I punched him in the arm "I prefer your sensitive side, all hugs and cuddles, to this "hate this on you" side of yours"

He pretended to be surprised "Sensitive side? No babe, I don't have that" and winked at me

"Anyway, thank you. For putting up with me and for walking me home"


"And Lea?"

"What about her?"

"You kissed her"

"J, I think you forgot that I'm a guy. It was a simple kiss, I'm not going to over think it. It happened, now bring me the next one"  he was smirking 

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