part 14

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What was I doing? I promised James I'd keep both John and Harry on the damn friendzone but at the first bump on the way (literally) i end up kissing one of them. His lips are still smashed against mine and all these thoughts are running through my mind I can even enjoy it. So I decide to put all that thinking aside and trying to enjoy it. He's just so close to me I moved my hands to his hair. I rub it slowly for a few moments. I then let my hands down to his shoulders and actually realise how muscular they are. I intercross my fingers behing his back and lean my body a bit closer. He grabbed me by the waist and left me up a bit. Then it hit me. I can't just walking around kissing boys I barely met, Harry's cute, sweet, funny and all of that but I can't say I know him, I'm not that girl. 
I "unsticked" our bodys:
"You know we can't do this"
"Do what?"
"Kissing around. That's not how it works for me"
"Seriously you make me think I'm a bad kisser" he had a cute smirk on his face and I punched him lightly in the shoulder
"It's not that"
"So I am a good kisser"
I rolled my eyes and smirked "The bottom point is,I have known you for what a day? I need to get to know you first. That's how things roll here" 
He giggled and held my hand, holding me closer "well classes start monday. Surf, tuesday afternoon? And you can come with me next saturday to a competition, what do you think?"
"Great, that's seems cool"
He came closer to me, leaning for a kiss but I landed my hand on his lips "No, no. You have to earn those" with this, I kissed his cheek and turn to my house.
"Look at you acting all cheeky. I'll twist your arm, you'll see" he was side smirking with his eyebrows high put in his forehead
"We'll see about that" I winked at him and got in my place. 

I looked around looking for my dad but I couldn't find him. 
I made my way to the kitchen and notice a yellow piece on the fridge with a magnet on top. 

*     Jane,
I'll be working until late today. Have an healthy dinner and don't stay up waiting for me
       Dad     *

I sticked the note back to its place and open the door of our fridge. I scan it for a bottle of milk and grab it with my hand. I streched to get a bowl and poured the milk in. As I waited for the milk to heat up in the microwave I texted James:

*Well Harry fucked the all friendzone thing*

The microwave beeped and I opened the door to get my hot bowl. I stuff it with cereal and sat on my couch. My phone skirl with the message alert, it was James:

*Tell me it's not what I'm thinking it is*

*If you're thinking about lip contact then you're totally right*

I took a full spoon of cereal to my mouth and chew it

*Well Jane Harris you refused to follow my advice so you're on your own now babe*

*We arranjed to go surf on tuesday, we're not just randomly making out*

I made me wonder where would this kiss leave John and I? Things were looking good for us but now with Harry in the middle things were going to get messy. I stuffed a few more spoons of cereal before landed it in the coffee table. I spread my arm across the couch to get a blanket for my cold feet. My phone ringed and I slided my finger to pick up the call

"Jane, it's Mira. Good I have so much to talk to you about"
"Lucky for you I have plenty of spare time go head"
"So Logan asked me for my number and he's texting me RIGHT NOW. He's such a hottie isn't he?"
"For someone who claims herself as shy you seem pretty outgoing with the situation"
"I don't know he brings a cheerful part of me to the surface, plus he's a great cuddler"
"Yeah, everyone notice how close you were on the beach" with that though another one came long. Harry promised me he'd talk to Logan about Mira to know what he had planned for her and apparently he forgot. I made a mental note to talk to him about that.
"I know but I couldn't help it, he was just the sweetest guy"
"Well I'm happy for you babe, I hope you nailed that hottie"
"Thank you"
"See? In the end of the day, going to the bonefire was the best option"
"It not only for me. You and Harry hum?"
"About that..."
"We kissed. Again."
"You slutty girl" i could hear her giggling on the other side
"I'm not going to comment that. Beside I already told him things need to go slow. We're going surf on tuesday. The only thing worrying me right now is John"
"Speaking of him, Lea asked him for his number after you left"
"Yup, and texted me asking if you two were together. I think she aiming for him J"
"What did you tell her?"
"That you two werent' together, what was I supposed to say?"
She was right but I was boiling inside. There was a part of me that liked John's company and wanted to keep him around but who was I to keep him from date Lea?
"J? Are you still here?"
"Yeah I was just thinking about something. Well it's their choice anyway"
"And you have Harry now"
"I dont have Harry, Harry and I aren't even a thing. We're getting to know each other. But you and Logan, any dates arranged?"
"Not really just texting but I'm praying he'll invite me soon"
"Well then keep your texting I'm going for a bath"
"Fine. Bye babe"
"Bye Mira"

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