Chapter 15

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Yuri's Pov

It's been a week already. Why isn't Viktor back? He said it was quick and he'd be back before the week was over. Well he's not back and the weeks over, he broke his promise. I'm going to call him. My phone kept ringing and I soon figured that he wasn't going to answer because of this 'business' he had to take care of.

I just hope he's OK and hasn't died yet.

---Viktor's Pov---

It has been about 3 hours and I'm walking back to my house. I wonder if Yurio has figured out how to escape my house. He does know the interior layout so that shouldn't be a problem, it's just trying to get through the basement door and then the front door.

I unlock the front door and see my basement door open. He must have escaped. Aww that's too bad. I could've had more fun playing that little bitch. Well it's time to go back to my sweet and lovely Yuri.

I shook my head and went to the airport with my luggage already being shipped to Japan.

---Time Skip---

Yuri cuddled in my arms ever since I got back from the airport. It seemed like he never wanted to leave my side, even if I need to go to the rest room. When I first arrived, I saw Yuri and then he turned around. I then saw a blur and felt a someone hugging me, it was Yuri.

"Vitya, why did you take so long to get back? You said you were going to be back by the end of the week, but it's been more than a week! Explain. "

" Um... The things I had to take care of took longer than expected. Uh, ya. "

" What things? "

Yuri let go of my arms and turned to narrow his eyes at me. His gaze went from excited to sharp and scary looking.

" Some business. "

" Explain more. "

His gaze looked even sharper than before and held a deadly glint in them.

" So I hadtomakesureYuriodid'tdoanythingtohurtoirrelationshipsoItorturedhimandlosttrackoftime.thenIlostmymindandwentoverboardbutigavehum3hourstoescape.hemanagedtoescapeandnowI'mbackherewithyou. "

" What? I couldn't catch all that. "

" Uh... Um... I kinda tortured Yurio and went kinda insane. I only went a little over board. All I did was tear his fingernails off and then pierce his ass with metal so he can't be fucked anymore. Then I may or may not have drank his blood. "

" Viktor! "

I looked down at the floor, ashamed of what I did, but not regretting it. Though I'm not telling Yuri the last part. I can feel his stare even if I'm looking down. It's like they're boring holes into me and looking into my soul. I slowly look up and see Yuri with a funny look on his face.

"Viktor, I'm not mad. I'm just shocked that you could do such a thing. "

I didn't hear a word he said after my name. All I heard was his tone of voice. It wasn't a disappointed tone, it sounded more of like a happy, sadistic tone. He then asked something that sent shivers running down my spine.

" Are you human? "


Hey guys! I know it's been a while since I last updated and I'm sorry for keeping you waiting. I've just had a lot of homework and other work to do. So it might be a while before my next update, but enjoy this cliffhanger! Ok, bye!


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