Chapter 17

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Yuri's Pov

I can't believe I'm going to propose to Viktor! I really hope he likes it. Ugh, proposing to the love of your life is so hard. I might do it during our date and maybe invite some of our friends. Yeah, that work. I'll just need to tell everyone and tell Viktor.

"Hey Viktor, I want to go eat at a restaurant today with some of our friends, ok! Your coming, too. "

" Ok. "

I then start texting Phitchit and Chris to meet us at the restaurant. Oh, I can't wait!

---Time Skip---

We're at the restaurant and I sit next to Phitchit whole Chris and Viktor sit opposite from us. It's not like I don't want to sit next to Viktor, I just want to tell Phitchit first. A lady comes up to our table and asks us for our orders. We tell her and go back to our conversation.

"Soooo, Yuri. Why did you want me to come here? "

" Shhh, I want to propose to Viktor today and wanted you and Chris to see it. Don't squeal out loud ok. It's supposed to be a surprise. "

" OMG!!!! Really, this is amazing! I have to post it to Instagram! You are officially my OTP!!!! "

" Calm down, Phitchit. I don't Viktor to hear you! "

While Phitchit was trying hard to calm his squeals and smiles, our food arrived. Chris and Viktor looked up from their conversation to start eating, when they both saw Phitchit in the corner covering his mouth. They then looked at me with a confused expression. I just shrugged and said it was something about his 'OTP'. They looked at one another and back at me. Then they shrugged and started to eat.

"Phitchit, you almost got me busted! "

I whisper yelled at him. He just laughed at me and started digging into his food. While he ate, he was still wearing this crazy smile on his face while staring at Viktor and Chris.

" Yuri, why don't you eat something. You didn't order anything besides water and champagne. Plus you seem nervous about something. Is it about Yurio? If it is, I swear I'm going to kill him. "

" No thanks. I'm good, Viktor. And no, it's not about him. Now eat your food before it gets cold. "

He looks at me suspiciously and starts eating again. He then asks Phitchit something.

" Why are you staring at me with a grin plastered on your face? "

" Nothiiiiiinng. "

" Mmm, sure. "

Viktor looks at me with a look that says 'what were you two talking about'. I look back at him with my own look that said 'nothing you need to know about'.

They all finish their food and I'm starting to shake. I stand up and walk over to Viktor.

" Viktor, you have made my life amazing and wonderful. My life is full of color ever since you came into my life. Before you came into my life and saved me from Yurio, I only saw the negativity in my life and never the positive things. You showed me what happiness is truly like. You are wonderful, amazing, beautiful, sexy, and so damn hot. "

I kneel down and look up at him. He's tearing up and a smile on his beautiful face. He knows what I'm going to do.

" So, Viktor Nikiforov, will you be my soul mate and the love of my life for the rest of my life? Will you marry me? "

He stares at me with the smile still on his face. His tears are forming rapidly and falling down his face.

" YES, YES, YES!!! Of course I will Yuri!"

I then hear clapping all around us and look around. A small crowd was formed around us and they saw my entire proposal. I then see Chris smirking and looking at Phitchit, who, I'm guessing, already posted it on Instagram. He then smiles at us and congratulates us. Phitchit was running around the entire restaurant yelling,


I look back at Viktor who cups my face and leans down to kiss me passionately on the lips. He's officially mine and mine only.


Hey guys! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter! The next one will probably be about their wedding and honeymoon. Viktor also may find out about Yuri's cutting habit. Anyways, sorry for any mistakes. Ok bye!


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