Chapter 22

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Yuri's Pov

"Why did you leave? "

I couldn't answer. He would be disappointed. He would leave me.

" You weren't cheating were you? "

Maybe that would be better than telling him that I could someone and enjoyed it.

" Yuri, please tell me what you were doing. I'm trying to believe that you wouldn't cheat on me, but my mind keeps telling me that you would cheat. "

" No, I wasn't cheating. I was doing something else. "

" What were you doing? "

" Um... killing someone. "

I whispered the last part, hoping he wouldn't leave me if he heard it.

" Oh thank goodness, Yuri. I thought it was going to be more severe. You scared me. Don't do it again. I don't care if you killed someone and have blood all over you. I would still kiss you. "

" Mkay. Now let me go clean myself. "

In the bathroom, I take a long look at myself. Stripped naked and covered in blood with my eyes a dull color instead of their usual lively chocolate brown. Maybe something is wrong with me. I step into the shower and after 10 minutes or so I get out, clean and smelling like vanilla with a hint of peppermint. My eyes are still a dull looking color. 'You don't want to be you. That's why your eye color is fading you little worthless twat.' Yeah that's true. I don't want to kill anymore people and don't want to hurt or kill Viktor in the process. Maybe if I die then he wouldn't be hurt by me. Maybe tomorrow night everything can vanish into oblivion.

I collapse onto the bed with Viktor instantly by my side, cuddling up against me, making me feel safe and secure. This is a nice feeling. 'Enjoy it while it lasts, my sweet. Everything is going to be gone by tomorrow night anyways.'

I wake up as the sun shines brightly through the window. Somehow Viktor was still sleeping with his cute little snores, his mouth open just the slightest bit. Cute. I lean down to kiss him and as my lips barely brush against his, his eyes flutter open revealing cold blue eyes fogged over from sleep. They suddenly become sharper and more in focus as he realizes I'm kissing him. I then pull back up and get off of him as he stares into space.

"Wait Yuri! Come back. I want another one. "

I hear him pout as I head to the bathroom to get ready for the day, my last day here. 'So how are you gonna do it? Bleeding to death, hanging, shooting?' I'll think about it later.

" Yuri, you've been in there a long time. Is everything alright? "

" Yeah. "

" Ok well I made breakfast for when you finally come out of the bathroom."

I quickly finish up my business and head out. It smells amazing.

"Hey Yuri I need to get something from the store. You alright being here by yourself? "

" Yeah I'll be fine. You know I can handle things myself. "

" Yeah ok sure. Bye. "

" Bye. "

Wonder what he's gonna get. Unless he's got cheating on me with another person. No he can't possibly do that, right? Of course he can. He is the literal definition of sexy. Maybe right now would be good. He won't even miss me, probably just going to fuck another person and find someone else to love. Probably doesn't even like me.

Maybe bleeding is a good idea cause shooting is too loud and the ceiling is too low to hang from. Ok where's my razors or knifes. Oh here's a knife.

I drag the blade vertically against my skin creating a line of blood. I grab a fountain pen and let it soak up the blood. Then I grab a piece of paper addressed to Viktor. Once I'm finished writing, I grab the blade once more and drag it across my flesh. The blade slowly digging deeper and deeper into my soft flesh as I press down on it. My arm is soon covered in blood. Time to move onto my legs. The blood coated knife is gliding across my skin once more, creating art all the way down to my ankles. Everything is fading now. Haha, guess this is goodbye world. Though you probably don't care or notice. Darkness is everywhere now.

---Victor's Pov---

I come back to the suite with the skates I ordered for Yuri, but something doesn't feel right. The pit in my stomach telling me that something bad is gonna happen is growing as I step closer and closer to our suite. I open the door to find it void of any breathing life forms. I check the rooms one by one, finding nothing until I get to our room. Yuri might be sleeping so maybe that's why it's so quiet in here.

I open the door and am hit with the smell of iron. Fuck it must be blood, Yuri's blood probably. I fling open the door and spot Yuri on the floor surrounded by blood. I splash the blood everywhere as I collapse onto the floor next to Yuri. I lean down straining to hear a heartbeat. There is none. My Yuri is dead, gone from this world forever. My eyes drift from his beautiful bloody dead body to the nightstand where I see a knife, a fountain pen, and a piece of paper. I don't want to look at the paper as I already know it's going to be his goodbye note to the world and to me, yet I still pick up the paper. The first thing I noticed is that the ink is red so he must've used his own damn blood to write this and the second thing I notice is that I'm the only one he wrote about and it was for me only.

'Hey Viktor. When you read this I'll probably be dead. I love you so much and I can't deal with the fact that I have to kill to survive. It doesn't feel right. It doesn't feel right to hurt or kill you either by drinking your blood. I'm sorry but this is the end. You can finally move on and find someone better than me. Bye Vitya. I love you.
Your dead lover, Yuri. '


Hey guys! Long time since I updated huh. Well you can probably guess that this is the last chapter of this book. Sorry if it doesn't feel right but I wrote this in a rush and wasn't feeling this book anymore. I had to end it somehow cause I didn't want to just delete it or discontinue it. Ok well bye guys!

~Panda ❤

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