Actual Chapter 20

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-Skip if you don't want to reread this part. Same as last chapter-

Yuri's Pov

Viktor left to get something from the store. While he was out, I was looking for some razors. I checked the bathroom, yet I found none. The same goes for every other room in this suite. Fuck, Viktor must've thrown them out. I need some now! Maybe I can ask Viktor for some of his blood. His sweet, sweet blood. I just need to occupy myself until he comes back. Hopefully that'll be soon, the burning sensation is back.

---Time Skip---

Viktor just got back with a load of groceries. He drops them off at the kitchen and walks over to where I'm standing. He leans in for a kiss when I stop his lips.

"What was that for? "

He sounded slightly annoyed. I responded by grabbing his wrist and putting it near my mouth. He soon realizes what I'm getting at.

" Yeah, go ahead. "

I let my fangs come out and dig them into Viktor's pale skin. The smell is so intoxicating and my vision got fogged up. My eyes were probably their normal color right now, a deep crimson color. I lick up all the oozing blood. I then dig my fangs into another part of his wrist so more blood could flow out. Soon I was satisfied and my vision cleared away. I saw how much I cut through his skin. I look up at his face and I see his teeth are gritted which meant it hurt a lot and he was trying to calm his breath.

"I am so sorry Viktor! I didn't mean to. It's just that my instincts took over and I didn't realize how much I already took from you!"

I ran to get some bandages and water for Viktor. When I get back, he was swaying, looking like he was about to fall over. Oh shit. I didn't realize I took so much out of him. I layer him down on the floor and started to clean up the puncture marks and soon wrapped the bandages around them. All the while, I had Viktor take little sips of water so he would stay hydrated and would have something to make sure he doesn't pass out. Thank god he didn't.

"I'm really sorry, Vitya. "

" No, it's fine Yuri. Now how about the kiss you stopped. "

I roll my eyes at him and lean forward. Our lips touch and Viktor pulls me closer to him. I then move my head away from his and I see him sigh. I laugh a little and peck him on the lips again before getting up. He follows my actions and heads to our bedroom. I go to the kitchen for some water when I hear my phone go off. I reach for my phone in my back pocket when I realize it's not there. I walk to our room and spot my phone. I grab it and see what had made it ring. Oh it's a text message. From Yurio. I unlock my phone, go to that message, and hand my phone over to Viktor.

"Read what it says and tell me when I get back. I'm going to get some water from the kitchen. "

Once I have my water, I go back to Viktor and see him clenching and unclenching his fists.

" What did it say, Vitya? "

" That he knows we're in Paris and we better watch our backs. "

" Okay. "

I get my phone back from Viktor and see he sent a message to Yurio saying how did he know and if he really wanted to get messed up by messing with us again. I hug Viktor in an attempt to calm him down and it works after a while. Probably because he had this mischievous hint in his eye which I fully know what he was thinking, from personal experience. Viktor soon falls asleep while I'm still wide awake. I need razors. I ran to the nearest store that was open at 2 in the morning with my vampire speed. It was pretty far from our suite but it didn't matter that much. I slow down as I near the entrance and walk in through the door. It was a small shop but had most things everyone needed in their daily lives. I scan the shelves looking for a razor. It was all the way in th back of the shop. Oh well, at least I have a razor. I pay for it and run back to the suite. I go into the bathroom and lock the door.

I start slicing my skin before the thoughts come. I don't even notice that I had started to slice deeper and deeper, making more cuts than I normally do. The thoughts came rushing into my head, the terrible memories. From everyone beside from my family and my friend, not that I had many friends. I only had 1 friend and that was Yuko. I start seeing black spots appear in my vision. Then darkness consumes my entire field of vision.

-Stop Skipping-

"Yuri! YURI! "

I hear someone calling for me. Is it my parents or Yurio. It sounds familiar. I open my eyes and am greeted my ice blue eyes filled with concern. Oh it's Viktor. That's right we're on our honeymoon.

" Oh god, Yuri. You scared the living shit out of me. I come back to our suite to find you passed out on the floor with blood all around you. At least your alive now. "

I faintly smile at my husband. It's alright now, Viktor. I'm safe in your arms. At least it's not Yurio.

" Yeah I'm alright, Vitya. I'm alive and safe. "

He hugs me and starts to drone on about how he's here for me for the rest of my life and saying that he already wrapped my arms. II hug him back. When he lets go, I close my eyes and concentrate hard to heal every part of my body. I hear a gasp from Viktor and I'm guessing my body's glowing, like how it always is when I'm trying to heal my broken body. Unfortunately it only heals physical wounds, not my messed up heart.

"Yuri~! Your better right!? "

" Yup. "

I smile brightly at him and he smiles back. Everything is going to be a lot better, maybe. Probably not, but I can't let him know. I can't become a burden for him. Vitya doesn't deserve it.


Hey guys! Here's the real chapter! Hope it's better and plus it's a happy one! Okay, bye. Got to go.

~Panda ❤

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