(BSM & BGM) Clifford's Girl - HP AU - Muke

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Heyyyyy Everybody 😂 (sorry)

Anywho welcome to this super cool book of 5SOS alternate universe preferences!

First things first - I have to write a part 2 for a Harry Potter AU in my other book, but there's a whole lot of fun chapters coming up!

If you want to read the full first part, it's Chapter 79 Harry Potter AU - Luke in my other book Separated: 5sos BSMs

Your twin brother is Luke, your crush is Michael:

When you began to wake up, someone was holding your hand. You assumed that it was Luke.

"Ughhhh," you groaned, unwilling to open your eyes as you already had a killer headache.

You squeezed the hand of whoever was sitting next to you as you dramatically threw and arm over your eyes, "whyyyy am I so stupid Luke? You told me not to think about him and to focus but I couldn't."

You took in a deep breath.

"He's just so cute you don't understand. I can't be held accountable to my own thoughts when I can see Michael," you complained.

There was a deep chuckle from the person next to you. Too deep to be Luke.

Uh oh, your face began to heat up in a familiar blush as you realized that you had just admitted that you liked Michael Clifford to a yet-to-be-identified person.

You really hoped that it was Luke's best friend Calum. Calum could chuckle deep, and it was a very Luke-like thing to do to make one of his friends sit with you while he ran to the bathroom or something so that you wouldn't wake up alone.

But when you opened one eye and moved your arm to look, it wasn't Luke or Calum sitting there. It was Michael himself, still in his Quidditch uniform.

"I'm just so cute huh babe?" He quirked an eyebrow and held in a laugh.

You tried to recover quickly even though you were shocked and incredibly embarrassed.

"I- I-" you cleared your throat, "maybe." You couldn't do it. Not when he was staring at you like that. You were intoxicated on his deep green eyes.

"Mhmmmm," the low rumble in his throat was accompanied by movement of his tattoo. It slithered up his neck and sat just below his jawline, curling around his Adams's apple.

"Why are you here?" You squeaked, blushing even harder when you realized that you were still holding his hand.

"I wanted to make sure that you were okay, Luke hit you pretty hard with that bludger," he shook his head, "and I thought that Styles was a bad beater."

You giggled a little, which made him smile. "Yeah, I think I'm okay just a headache, did I hit the ground hard?"

He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Baby I didn't let you anywhere near the ground, I caught you before you were halfway down," he promised, running his thumb over your knuckles.

You internally swooned, really hoping that this was real life and not some concussion hallucination.

"Thank you," you said shyly, letting your head tilt down a little and your eyes look away.

"Hey," he used his index finger to lift your chin back up, "let me see your pretty eyes."

You immediately looked into his eyes, watching as he slowly began to close the space separating your faces.

That's when your lame twin decided to walk back in.

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