chapter de diecisiete

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"I'm going on a blind date?" I ask Kleo as she finishes my makeup. She nods. "Your dress is cute. It's appropriate but also a little inappropriate at the same time." I roll my eyes as she starts putting stuff away. "Remember it's gonna be five guys and they each get thirty minutes." I raise my hand to stop her. "So I'll be there for two and a half hours." She nods.

She sits my black and white superstars on the floor in front of me. "Put these on." I stand up from the toilet seat and slip the sneakers on. "You really want me to get a man." She quickly nods and begins pushing me to the door. I grab my clutch and the Lambo key off the hook next to the other foreign car keys Will has on there. I've been driving his cars sometimes and he doesn't mind.

I slide into the two door vehicle as she climbs into Aidon's pickup truck

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I slide into the two door vehicle as she climbs into Aidon's pickup truck. She drives out of the driveway as I begin making my way out the garage. I click the button on the roof to close the garage and slip out the driveway. I turn my music on and pull up the directions to this restaurant. My first date is at noon according to the schedule Kleo gave me.

"These hoes thirsty, need water. Wrist game, on water." I turn the volume up to forty. "It's been a long time. Long grind, time to shine. Gotta get rich. Fuck these niggas, fuck these bitches." My music stops making me frown. I stop at a red light and pick up my phone. Seeing an unknown number, I answer. "Hello?" A feminine gasp fills my ears.

"Um hi. Is this Zaree?" I furrow my brows and use my left hand to steer. "Yes. Who is this?" I make a left turn into the restaurant and drive slowly through the rows of cars. "I'm William's mother. He informed me that he is expecting a baby with you so I wanted to meet you." I smile and start backing up into a parking space. "Oh yea. I'm a little busy but I can meet up with you around maybe four fifteen?"

"That's great. I'll send you my address." We say our farewells and I push my curly hair back stepping out the car. I grab the stuff I'll need and my lipgloss out the glove compartment. I stand up straight and press the button on the key to close the butterfly doors. I walk through all the cars towards the building.

A man in front of me holds the door. "Thank you." He nods and catches up to his girlfriend I assume. I wait in line as the hostess takes them to a table. She returns and smiles at me. "Do you have a reservation?" I nod. She turns on the iPad in front of her. "Name?" She starts typing. "Zaree Smith." She nods and picks up two menus. I follow her to a table way in the back.

"Can I see the schedule for your dates?" She asks after I sit down. I pull it out my clutch and hand it to her. "I'll bring it back as soon as I'm finished." She smiles and walks away. I pick up my menu and browse through all the options. "Zaree?" I look up at the brown skin dude with long dreads.

"Hey. You must be Iman." I stand up and shake his hand. "Yea. It's nice to meet you." His eyes travel down to my stomach. "You too." He sits down and so do I. "So you're pregnant, your friend informed me. Boy or girl?" I sigh in relief. "It's a girl." He nods with a slight smile. "How old are you?" He picks up his menu and starts scanning.

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