chapter dieciséis

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The doctor applies the gel to my stomach then puts the transducer on my stomach. Jordan sits in the corner holding my phone so Will can watch. "I'm gonna put the image on the screen now." I look at the TV and smile as the baby moves around. He stands up and points at certain parts of the screen. "That's the head of course, arms, legs, and right here is the sexual organs."

He tilts his head sideways to see better. "It looks like you're having a baby girl." I hear Will celebrating and I smile. The doctor smiles and starts cleaning my stomach. "Congratulations. Don't forget your due date is February eighteenth." I stand up and take my phone from Jordan. He looks uneasy and I'm not sure why. I pull my shirt down and leave out with Jordan.

"We're having a girl." Will says as we walk to the car. I slide into the Nissan next to Jordan and put my seatbelt on. "I know. Are you happy?" He nods quickly, his smile never leaving his face. "Now I know how to paint her room and what clothes to get." I nod as he rambles about everything he's gonna do with her. "She's gonna be the cutest. I mean look at her mom then look at my fine ass." I laugh and look up as we drive down the familiar streets.

"I gotta go. We just got to a stop. I'll text you, alright?" I nod and we hang up. I put my phone in my pocket and absentmindedly rub my stomach. I do that a lot. "So you're really moving into one of his houses?" Jordan asks stopping at a red light. "Yea. It's not permanent and he won't be there so you have no reason to worry." He shakes his head. "It's just gonna be weird not living next to you anymore."

"It's gonna be so weird living in a giant house by myself." I glance at him as we start moving again. "Have you started packing yet?" He turns and our building comes into view. "Yep. Some of my furniture is already gone. Zaire wants me moved by Saturday." He turns into our lot and begins searching for a spot. "Well damn."

I shush him. "Xariah can hear things now." He furrows his brows. "You're naming her Xariah?" He parks and turns the car off. "Yea. Will and I decided on that. Xariah Marie Moore." He chuckles and shakes his head. "Giving her his last name too?" He opens his door so I do the same. "Yea what do you mean? She is his child."

"It could be Smith." He slams his door and I gently close mine because I'm respectful. "Well I think she should have his name. What's your problem with her last name?" He starts walking and doesn't respond. I catch up to him and grab his arm. "The name is stupid! That's disrespectful to me if you give her his last name." He snatches it and gently pushes me. I almost fall but he catches my by my arm.

After I get my footing, I slap his hand off me. "Get the fuck away from me." I roll my eyes and walk into the building. I wait for the elevator and don't look back when the front door opens again. I step onto the empty elevator and quickly push the close door button. I press my floor and smile as I start going up. I step off and head to my place. I unlock the door and step in.

East jumps on my leg and I lean down, scratching his head. I close the door and lock it. I pull my phone out and call Zaire. "What's up?" I kick off my shoes and walk down the hall to my room. "Is there anyway you can have me in the house by tonight? I really wanna get out this building." He laughs. "I was hoping you would come to your senses. I'll call the moving company. Do you need help packing your clothes up?"

I smile. "Mmhm. Thank you big brother." I say in a kid like voice. "You're welcome. I gotta go, I'm at the studio." I hang up and look around my room. I moved here as soon as I saved up enough money from stripping and now I'm leaving it behind. I walk down the hall and warm up the spaghetti I made for Stephen and I.

After an hour, Stephen got restless so I took him home. We watched movies, had dinner, and then I put him to bed in the guest room. Carmen never showed up. I sigh and pull my bowl out the microwave. I scroll through social media as I eat. Twenty minutes later, someone knocks on my door. I pad down the hall and peek through the peephole. Seeing a couple big mover dudes, I swing the door open and step to the side so they can enter.

A woman who looks Zaire's age follows behind them. "Hi. I'm here to help you finish packing. The rest of my team will be up in a few minutes." I nod and walk down the hall to my room. "There are clothes in all these drawers and the closet. My toiletries in the bathroom can go last. The pictures and other things in my living room can go in a box together. All my dishes are in the kitchen. My sheets from both rooms should be in one box." She nods and walks back out. I wash all the dishes so the packing people can get those out the way.

I watch as the dudes carry the mattress from the guest room out. I grab my purse and sit on the floor in the living room out of the way of everyone. I watch as seven tall bulky men walk around emptying the place. There's about fifteen people here to pack and I know Zaire did that to throw shade. I chuckle as I text people and check social media.

Within four hours, mostly everything is out. All my furniture is gone but there's still some clothes and dishes to be packed. The moving men have now started helping to pack. An hour later, my whole place is empty. "Ma'am, I'm gonna need you to come with us so we can get this into the new house." I nod and do a walk through. Everything is empty and lonely looking.

"Wow." I mumble walking back to the front door. I grab my purse and keys, heading out. I head down the elevator with a couple boxes and packers behind me. I stray away from them and get into my car. I pull off already seeing the U-Haul behind me. The second U-Haul I had already left to drop my dishes and furniture off at this furniture place. I jam to some J. Cole and Drake's new album More Life as I make the drive to Druid Hills. I pull into the driveway and memories from the last time I was here pop into my head.

"Well I'm sorry that I caught feelings for you and thought you weren't an asshole but I see now." I walk back towards the door but he stops me. "Get your fucking hands off of me!" I snatch my hand back. "You're not walking out that damn door Zaree." He clenches his jaw and I shift my weight to my other leg.

"This was a damn mistake. All this shit beginning from when I gave you a private dance. I shouldn't have even spoke to you." I start pacing his floor and rub my face. "I started liking you too!" He yells, making me stop. "I haven't felt this damn way about a girl in a long ass time! I was fucking scared! So you know what I did? I fucking ignored you and tried to push you away! That was kind of hard since you're a damn stripper at my job!"

I watch as his eyes get glossy. "We're always giving each other glances and you let me take you home and we got caught up. Damn it, Zar. I might fucking love you! But I have to work and you're interfering with that shit. I can never get my damn mind off you! Everytime I walk in the club, I'm glancing around looking for you. I'm going back on tour with Future and it'll break my heart to have to leave you. So I started preparing myself. I'm not even ready to settle down. Even if I wasn't going on tour, I would still end up hurting you. You're damn right, we shouldn't have even gotten involved."

I stay silent as he rambles. "You're a damn stripper. What the fuck was I thinking?" He stops and looks at me with his mouth agape. "I don't mean it like that. I mean..." I hold my hand up to stop him and start walking out the door. "Zaree!" My eyes fill up with tears as I hurry down the steps and out the door. Kleo stands up and follows me.

As soon as the cold air hits my face, the tears come cascading down. I run over to the car and get inside. Kleo rushes too and immediately pulls off. I glance back at the house as we pull away and see Will's silouhette at the door. I turn away and sigh.

I step out the car and walk up to the door. I hear the engine of the truck cut off as I slowly unlock the door. Immediately, they're pulling boxes out and going to the area they are designated. There's only one box meant for the living room and they're just pictures of my family and I. I might not even put them out because this isn't my house.

I head up the stairs and see they've already found the master bedroom. Since there's two walk-in closets, they fill all my clothes into the empty one. My stuff only fills about a third of the closet. Out of curiosity, I walk over to Will's closet. I gasp at how full it is. It smells just like his cologne as well. After they're done with the closet, they fill the empty drawers up.

That only takes them thirty minutes and then they leave. I smile as I flop onto the bed. I rub my stomach and smile at the mirror on the ceiling. "Only twenty three more weeks to go, Xariah." I say closing my eyes. "Only twenty three more weeks to go."

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