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I woke up to the relentless buzzing of my alarm, the sunlight casting a warm glow across my room. Groaning, I grabbed my phone from the side table and silenced the alarm. Today marked the beginning of my last year at King High, and I didn't want to be late.

Quickly, I went through my morning routine and chose an outfit that reflected my no-frills style. I skipped the makeup not because I wanted to, more like I didn't know how to do it.I tied my hair into a high ponytail.

Stepping in front of the mirror, I examined my reflection. Brown eyes stared back at me, a trait inherited from my father. I was neither tall nor short, just somewhere in between. Satisfied that I wouldn't scare anyone with my appearance, I headed downstairs. Like any other day, my parents were already at work. Since the incident we had become distant, each absorbed in our own worlds.

"Good morning, sweetheart," Marta, our caretaker, greeted me. She had become a motherly figure for me in the absence of my busy parents.

"Good morning, Marta. I'm hungry," I replied, and she quickly served me a plate of delicious pancakes. Marta's cooking is the best. After breakfast, I grabbed my bag and drove to school, a twenty-minute drive from home.

Parking my car, I made my way to my locker, where my friends were waiting.

"Gummy bear!" Matt enveloped me in a tight hug.

I wasn't a popular kid, but I cherished the few friends I had. Matt, my childhood friend or more like a brother. Emma and Ella were twins. Then there is Mark and Jessie who are like childhood sweethearts.

After a quick reunion, the bell rang, signalling the start of classes. "We'll meet at lunch," Matt declared as we dispersed to our respective classes.

I wandered through the hallway, lost in my thoughts. Before I could register what was happening, I bumped into a wall in the middle of the hallway.I waited for my butt to kiss the ground, but it never happened.The wall enveloped me in its arms. Wait, what? The wall held me? Startled, I opened my eyes to find myself in the arms of Blake Lanter, not a wall. His blue eyes bore into my brown ones.

As I regained my composure, he couldn't help but flash his signature smirk. "Well, well, look who just stumbled into my world. You okay there, princess?" he teased, though there was a glint of genuine concern in his eyes before it disappeared.

"Watch where you're going" I quickly snapped at him. "Oh oh" he dropped me, now my butt kissed the ground, leaving me cursing under my breath as he and his friends walked away.

Collecting my belongings, I hurried to my class.I let out a breath thankful that the teacher hadn't arrived yet. I took a seat at the back. Mr. John, our English teacher, finally arrived after ten minutes. During the middle of the class, the door suddenly burst open and the idiots sauntered in. Yes, you guessed it right. It was Blake and his friends.They took the seats behind me which were the only one's available.

Sometime into the class, I felt a poke from behind. Turning around, I was met with a smile from Noah and a smirk from Blake.

"Hi, babydoll. I'm Noah," he introduced himself, earning an eye roll from Blake. Noah is more like a child from that group I guess. "And, the jerk here is Blake" he introduced which earned him a smack from Blake. He gave me a curt nod.

"I'm Crystal," I responded with a small smile.

The bell rang, signalling the end of the class and my freedom from their attention.

I had Emma and Ella for my second class so it was not boring. The day continued with mundane classes to which I didn't pay attention, and finally, it was my favourite part of the school day, lunchtime.

At lunch, I sat between Matt and Emma. I tried to snag a fry from Matt, and he just swatted my hand.

"Don't you dare touch my food." he gave a stern look. I shot him a puppy-eyed look.

"I hate it when you use that trick on me," he sighed, relenting and offering me his fries. I knew this tactic always worked with him.

"Love you too," I chuckled.

Our banter was interrupted by the arrival of the Greek Gods well, I mean Blake and his friends.The sight had all the girls swooning. However, I had no interest. If you're wondering why, let me introduce them. These were your typical high school bad boys, and though I hate to admit it, their allure was undeniable, especially among the girls.

After that, the cafeteria erupted in whispers and hushed admiration from the girls.

"They look amazing." Ella gushed.

"I totally agree with you." Jessie added.

"I am still here, you know," Mark rolled his eyes, earning a peck on the lips from Jessie.

Soon, lunch was over. The day trudged on, and school eventually ended. My first day was not that bad and I drove back home, where my parents were predictably absent, buried in their work.They have made a habit to drown themselves in work. I went up to my room, completed my homework, ate dinner alone as usual but Marta kept me company. I was bored, so I thought of reading a book. I picked my all time favourite "The Notebook," I drifted off to sleep, the events of the day playing in my mind.


Okay, so I wanted to know the answer to this..

Do you guys also read all these books to escape from the reality that we're all stuck in??

Comment down your answers.

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