Chapter 1: A Brand New Beginning

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(It's morning in Croft Manor and young Trevor was reading books while Isabelle was inventing something unimaginable.)

Young Trevor: "Sis, what are you doing?" (Trevor had an American accent while Isabelle had a Brit accent.)

Young Isabelle: "Building a breakfast maker for our mother and father."

Young Trevor: (Teasing) "It's never going to work."

Young Isabelle: "It will and I will demonstrate it when it's time. So, what are you doing, oh charming brother?"

Young Trevor: "Reading books."

Young Isabelle: "About what? How to be confident in your sister?"

Young Trevor: "Not exactly. It's about the Count of Monte Cristo."

Young Isabelle: "Sounds like a boring book."

Young Trevor: "Not as boring as your inventing skills."

Young Isabelle: "Hey, my inventing is inspirational. Like moi." (She points to herself.)

Young Trevor: "Well, mom can invent better things than you can. So, there."

Young Isabelle: "I'm not talking about this."

Young Trevor: "Good." (Isabelle looks at the toaster to connect something with it.)

Young Isabelle: "You got any string on you?" (Trevor looks over his book and looked at Isabelle.)

Young Trevor: "Does it look like I have strings for you? No."

Young Isabelle: "Well, I need to connect it to the jam and the toaster and since when you gotten so rude?"

Young Trevor: "Ever since you took my red crayon and never returned it."

Young Isabelle: "Trevor, I was four and you were three."

Young Trevor: "So? It doesn't explain why you took my crayon."

Young Isabelle: "I was coloring a rose picture for my mother. Here we are, seven and six years old and you're still acting like a baby about a crayon."

Young Trevor: "Well, I needed it more than you to finish coloring a red car that is still unfinished."

Young Isabelle: "Alright. You want your crayon?" (She took it out of her pocket and slammed it on his book page.)

Young Isabelle: "There's your crayon!" (She walked back to the kitchen.)

Young Trevor: "Thank god. Now, I can finish my drawing." (Isabelle was looking for a string.)

Young Isabelle: "String. String. There has to be a string somewhere." (She found a long piece of string under the bookcase.)

Young Isabelle: "Great Casanova! I found a string!"

Young Trevor: "Great Casanova? The hell?"

Young Isabelle: "Yes, I came up with it and plus father told you to stop cursing."

Young Trevor: "What? He says it."

Young Isabelle: "That's because he's an adult and we're just kids."

Young Trevor: "Man, it sounds so cool the way he says it though."

Young Isabelle: "He wouldn't like it if you said it so many times." (She tied the jam and the toaster.)

Young Isabelle: "And plus, what do you think he'll say if you say those curse words?"

Young Trevor: "He would've said, "Son, I'm so proud of you of using big words like that. We should order us a cursing dictionary with all the curse words that are out of this world." That's what he'll say."

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