Chapter 3: Darlington Elementary

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(The family returned home to Croft Manor. Winston was preparing the dinner table with food and candles.)

Lara: "What's all this?"

Winston: "Preparing the family dinner for all of us."

Nathan: "How come?"

Winston: "Well, since we have two new additions added to the family, I figured why not I make some dinner and somehow I did."

Lara: "Wow, thanks, Winston."

Winston: "Of course." (They heard the music playing on Lara's stereo.)

Lara: "Is that Boccherini?"

Winston: "Yes, it is."

Lara: "You knew I love classical."

Winston: "Your mother and father loved classical and it runs throughout your veins."

Lara: "I see why."

Winston: "Well, don't just stand there. Take your seats. The dinner is almost ready." (Isabelle and Trevor looked at the parents.)

Lara: "Go on upstairs and wash up."

Nathan: "Don't forget inside your fingernails, too."

Lara: "And us as well." (Lara went upstairs and Nathan looked at her.)

Nathan: "I knew that." (He followed her upstairs.)(Suddenly, Sully and Sam came in.)

Sully: "Hello?"

Sam: "We're here." (Winston turned around and saw the two guys.)

Winston: "Gentlemen, you have returned safely. I was getting worried." (He shook Sam's hand and Sully.)

Sully: "Everything is fine. I just went out for a drink with Sam's return."

Sam: "Exactly."

Winston: "I'm glad. I've prepared some dinner."

Sully: "Looks good."

Sam: "Can't wait. Where's my brother, Lara and the kids?"

Sully: "They haven't left, right?"

Winston: "No, no. They went to wash up really quick. They'll come down."

Sam: (Whispers) "Okay, you haven't forgotten about know?"

Winston: (Whispers) "Lara's party tomorrow?"

Sam: "Yeah."

Sully: "You haven't told her, did you?"

Winston: "No, no. I haven't. Don't worry. I'm not going to spoil the party. I'm pretty sure she knows her birthday, though."

Sully: "She does."

Winston: "We'll do the party at night."

Sully: "Perfect. That way it'll give Nathan and Lara some privacy if you know what I mean." (He winks at Winston.)

Sam: "Yeah. Her birthday is Valentine's day, right?"

Winston: "That's right."

Sam: (Whispers) "Excellent. We'll give her the best party ever. We need to give out invitations, but to who?"

Winston: "I know." (He gestures Sam and Sully to group huddle and he whispered the names. Samantha Nishimura and Joslin Reyes.)

Sam: "Got it. An Asian girl who has the same nickname as me. Sweet. And an African American woman whose a hardcore mechanic. I can't wait to meet them."

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