Epilogue: My Dearest Winston

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(The morning has risen and the funeral has begun, the people gathered at the funeral holding hands for the beloved butler Winston. The family was crying while the priest from church came and said a few words about Winston and then the family went to say goodbye to him. When the funeral was over, the people that knew Winston went home and the family stayed in the house for a while. The sunset came and Lara walked towards Winston's grave next to her mother and father in slow motion with her hair down and in a wonderful silver dress. She had a set of jasmine flowers in a bunch wrapped with golden wire thanks to Isabelle.)

Lara: (Narrating) "My dearest Winston. You've always been there for me through the ups and downs. Maybe I was a bad kid back then, but I knew we had so many moments together. I'm trying so hard to get over the pain and the suffering I've been through so many years ago, but it would never fade away. Like it's a part of me. I guess I'll have to live with that. Even through death and I know you're telling me to never give up. You're right. I shouldn't. It was never a Croft's path to follow mother says and she's correct. I should listen to her words more often. I should've been there when you needed me and I wasn't. But now, I'll do it for my family. I'll always keep an eye on them and never leave their side. Because that's what you taught me and that's what a Croft member does. I will never fail you, Winston. That's a promise. My family is stronger and we will accomplish any mission by any means necessary. We won't give up on you. We will fight to our last and we will win. You believe in us and we believe in you. I love you, Winston and you will always be a Croft in my eyes. Always. Sincerly, your little jasmine flower, Lady Lara Croft. P.S: Say hello to mother and father for me." (She puts the flowers on his tombstone and kisses it goodbye. She walks back to the Manor with her hair flowing behind her back.)

(End of Epilogue: My Dearest Winston)

Another story completed! I hope I didn't make you guys cry. 😁 That was pretty emotional, but a fantastic way to end this story! By the way, what did you think of this chapter? Let me know in the comments section! Also, I'm going to be working on the first chapter of the next farcry crossover part 2 story either tomorrow or right now! Stay tuned for the first chapter of Farcry part 2! 👏 It's going to be insane! See ya and thank you guys so much for following me and for enjoying my Rise of the Tomb raider/ Uncharted 4 crossovers! You guys are the greatest! 😄😢😆💙✌

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