Chapter 4: Lovely Birthday Party

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(Isabelle and Trevor just got off the bus and headed to the door. Isabelle had the key and unlocked it. She went inside while holding onto Trevor.)

Isabelle: "We're home, brother. See?" (Trevor looked with his other eye and saw for himself.)

Trevor: "Oh, goodie."

Isabelle: "Mother! Father! We're home!" (Nathan heard her and went out of the bathroom.)

Nathan: "Kids, you returned home safely!"

Isabelle: "Yes, we did, but Trevor's hurt."

Nathan: "What?" (He quickly ran down the stairs and went to Trevor.)

Nathan: "Trevor?"

Trevor: "Hey, dad." (He removed his hand away from his black eye.)

Nathan: "Trevor, what happened?"

Isabelle: "There was a mean bully picking on him about the books he was reading. He punched Trevor in the face!"

Nathan: "Where is that kid, now?"

Isabelle: "He ran away crying home to his mother. I protected Trevor so that bully will never hurt Trevor again in a long time."

Nathan: "What did you do?"

Isabelle: "I beaten him to his own game and he deserved to be hurt by a girl."

Nathan: "Did you go beyond that?"

Isabelle: "No, just kicked him in his knickers."

Nathan: "Oh, okay. I'm proud of you, Isabelle. You did the right thing."

Isabelle: "Thanks, dad. How's mom?"

Nathan: "She's doing fine and awake, too. She's in the library. I have to go treat Trevor's black eye."

Isabelle: "Okay."

Nathan: "Come along, Trevor." (They both went upstairs. Isabelle saw Bryce and Zip.)

Isabelle: "Hey, guys."

Zip: "Hey, Belle. What's up? How's school?"

Isabelle: "It was fun. Well, maybe not to Trevor, though. He's got beaten by a bully in school."

Bryce: "What?"

Zip: "For real? Man, I would've taught him a lesson about picking on little kids like you."

Isabelle: "The drama is over, now. I protected my brother."

Zip: "Good job, Isa."

Bryce: "Excellent."

Isabelle: "My mother is in the library, correct?"

Zip: "That's right. I'll take you there if you like."

Isabelle: "No. I got it, but thanks anyway."

Bryce: "Okay. Be careful."

Isabelle: "I will." (She went to the library and saw Lara sitting in a chair reading a book.)

Isabelle: "Mum?" (Lara jumped when she heard Isabelle's voice.)

Lara: "Oh, Isabelle. I didn't see you there."

Isabelle: "Sorry, I scared you."

Lara: "That's alright, sweetheart. So, how was school?"

Isabelle: "It was fine, but Trevor got hurt." (Lara was shocked.)

Isabelle: "Don't worry. Father, got it under control." (Lara sighed with relief and praised the heavens.)

Lara: "Oh, thank god. I'm glad you children are safe."

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