Chapter 2: The Thrill of Imagination

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(Nathan and Lara and their kids arrived to the park to walk around.)

Nathan: "So, kids. What do you want to do first?"

Isabelle and Trevor: "We want to go to the playground!"

Lara: "To the playground we shall go!"

Isabelle and Trevor: "Yay!" (They ran towards the playground area.)

Trevor: "I'm going on the slide!"

Isabelle: "I call the swings!" (Nathan and Lara chuckled and held hands while walking together.)

Nathan: "What a beautiful day it is today."

Lara: "Yes, it is. When is Sam returning?"

Nathan: "No idea. He should've been here when we had the kids."

Lara: "Are you planning to talk to him?"

Nathan: "Maybe later. Hopefully, he'll return this afternoon and Sully, too."

Lara: "Yeah."

Isabelle: "Mother! Mother!"

Lara: "Yes, Isabelle? What is it?"

Isabelle: "Can you push me on the swing? I forgot how to start."

Lara: "Of course. Duty calls, hon."

Nathan: "You do that while I get Trevor."

Lara: "Alright. Isabelle, in order to start the swing, you have to swing your legs to gain momentum. The more you swing, the higher you'll go."

Isabelle: "Ah, I see what you mean now. More momentum, speed and height."

Lara: "That's exactly right, Isabelle. I'll watch you swing."

Isabelle: "Okay!" (She was swinging while Nathan taps on Trevor's shoulder.)

Nathan: "How's it going?"

Trevor: "Whoa!" (He almost fell and grabbed on the rail of the slide interior.)

Nathan: "Hold on, now. Don't fall."

Trevor: "Dad, don't do that!"

Nathan: "Aw, I'm sorry I scared you. What are you doing?"

Trevor: "Trying to think of a pretend person. You know, use my imagination. That sort of thing."

Nathan: "Ohhhh. May I join you?"

Trevor: "Sure, dad." (Nathan sat beside his son.)

Trevor: "Now, we need to think about the setting of pretend land. Where can we go? Concentrate." (They sat there thinking about pretend.)

Nathan: "I got it. How about Egypt?"

Trevor: "No, too hot and sandy."

Nathan: "I don't know, Trevor. That's the only thing I can come up with. My brain's been fried ever since my previous adventure with your mom."

Trevor: "Oh, that's okay, dad. Let me try. I can memorize every book I have read. Maybe I can find some sources of adventure."

Nathan: "Go ahead, Trevor. Use your imagination." (Trevor closed his eyes and in his mind saw tons of books that he had learned and found one that says pirates. Then he opened his eyes.)

Trevor: "Pirate adventure! With you and me on a ship looking for the Ruby of Obediah!"

Nathan: "Ruby of Obediah, huh? Did you just make that up?"

Trevor: "Yes, I did! The ruby is in the possession of Captain Obediah, the undead pirate of the Caribbean Sea."

Nathan: "Sounds interesting."

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