Chapter 6: Two Little Stowaways

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(The morning has reached the sky and Lara woke up. She looked at the time. It was 8:00 am. She gently shook Nathan.)

Lara: "Nathan? Darling?"

Nathan: (Weakly) "Hmm? What is it?"

Lara: "It's time to leave."

Nathan: "Oh, yeah. That's right."

Lara: "Did you already forget that we have a flight to go to?"

Nathan: "No, I knew that."

Lara: "Mm-hm. Sure, you did." (She kisses him.)

Lara: "Now, come on. We need to get dressed."

Nathan: "Alright." (He gets up and went to the bathroom. Trevor wakes up and went to his sister.)

Trevor: "Isa, wake up. We need to get going."

Isabelle: "What we need to do is stay here." (She gets up and looks at Trevor.)

Trevor: "Come on, sis. We need to go."

Isabelle: "But think of how much trouble we'll be in. We'll get caught."

Trevor: "No, we won't."

Isabelle: "What do you mean we won't..." (Trevor points at her bed and his bed and saw a basketball for his head and a helmet for Isabelle's.)

Isabelle: "Did you steal those from the gym?"

Trevor: "No, more like borrowing."

Isabelle: "Oh my gosh. You really are a very bad brother." (Trevor was about to go inside the suitcase.)

Isabelle: "Trevor, no!"

Trevor: "You want to come with me on your first adventure or not?"

Isabelle: "I'm so going to regret this."

Trevor: "Push this outside the door and put it next to our parents' door. After that, get in here." (She pushes the suitcase next to their parents' door and went inside the suitcase.)

Trevor: (Whispers) "Stay completely still."

Isabelle: "What does it look like I'm doing?"

Trevor: (Whispers) "Shh! Quiet! They're coming!" (Nathan and Lara grabbed their gear and Nathan saw a suitcase by their door.)

Nathan: "Wow, you packed fast, Lara. I didn't think you would've been done this fast."

Lara: "Uh, Nathan? That's not my bag."

Nathan: "You're absolutely right. This is my bag. I wonder what it's doing out here?"

Lara: "There's nothing wrong about packing your personal items in another suitcase. At least you won't run out of things. You are extra prepared."

Nathan: "You're right, Lara."

Lara: "I know."

Nathan: "Brother, you ready?"

Sam: "Just about." (He got out of the room.)

Lara: "Let's get a move on." (Nathan grabbed his other suitcase and carried it.)

Nathan: "This is a little heavier than I imagined it."

Sam: "Nothing wrong about packing a few extra things, bro."

Nathan: "Yeah, true."

Lara: "Come on. We can't waste time."

Sam: "Let's go." (They went downstairs and saw Winston cleaning up the counter.)

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