Chapter 5: Humble Travelers

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(The morning sun rose upon Croft Manor. Isabelle woke up first and snuck passed Trevor's room and went to the garage. She saw a pair of rollerblades.)

Isabelle: "Hmm. I hope my mother doesn't mind." (She slipped on the rollerblades and tries to stand up.)

Isabelle: "Okay, so far so good." (She gently moved her feet and suddenly slipped on her bottom.)

Isabelle: "Ow!" (She froze and heard the door open. Then she heard someone cleared their throat and she turned around. It was Lara leaning against the doorway.)

Isabelle: "I...I...I..."

Lara: "I see you were using my rollerblades, huh?"

Isabelle: " you...I saw you.."

Lara: "I sensed you while you were walking. I know my surroundings fairly well."

Isabelle: "So, you tracked my movements?"

Lara: "Exactly, Isa."

Isabelle: "Sorry. I just wanted to try them out, you know."

Lara: "And you will."

Isabelle: "You mean actually learn how?"

Lara: "Correction and I will teach you how to rollerblade. My mother taught me how when I was your age. It's not that hard. It just takes practice."

Isabelle: "Oh." (Lara puts on her mother's rollerblades and skated in front of Isabelle. She stopped in her tracks.)

Lara: "Before I begin, I'm going to need you to pay attention and learn diligently. You think you can handle that?"

Isabelle: "Sure."

Lara: "Good." (She placed cones in front of her and went to the starting line.)

Lara: "Now, watch my movements." (She starts to zigzag across the cones without touching them. Isabelle was stunned by the way Lara did it fluently. Lara braked at the finish and Isabelle clapped.)

Lara: "See? Nothing to it. Just balance and fluent movement. Now, I will teach you the basics in rollerblading. Stand up." (Isabelle got up off her feet and stood completely still. 10 minutes later, Isabelle learned to rollerblade like a good skater.)

Isabelle: "I did it!"

Lara: "Told you. It just takes practice."

Isabelle: "The more you practice, the more better you become."

Lara: "That's right." (Winston peered from the doorway.)

Winston: "I see that you ladies are awake, shall I make breakfast?"

Isabelle: "Yes!"

Lara: "You may make some breakfast, Winston. Flapjacks, eggs, bacon and sausage. Hmm. Also a touch of hashbrowns."

Winston: "I will get on it right away, Croft."

Lara: "Isabelle, why don't you wash your hands and wake your brother."

Isabelle: "Okay and get dressed?"

Lara: "Yes. You just took the words right out of my mouth."

Isabelle: "I knew it." (She went upstairs to wash her hands. Trevor woke up and went to the bathroom too. Isabelle saw Trevor in the mirror wiping his eyes.)

Isabelle: "Hey there, Trevor. I was just about to wake you up."

Trevor: "Hey, Isabelles. I'm so glad you didn't wake me in my sleep."

Isabelle: "How come?"

Trevor: "Because if you did woke me up, I would've knocked your lights out." (Isabelle was insulted by her own brother. She rolled her eyes and ignored him. She brushed her hair.)

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