Chapter 16: Farewell

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(Lara and the family arrived at Croft Manor. Lara bursted through the door and looked around the house.)

Lara: "Bryce? Zip?" (Zip came out of Winston's room.)

Zip: "Oh, thank god! I'm glad you're here!"

Lara: "Zip, just tell me what happened."

Zip: "Winston passed out on the floor and he wasn't breathing at all."

Nathan: "Oh, no."

Sam: "Jesus."

Zip: "We called the doctor and he said he was getting worse and they haven't found a cure. So, now...we faced the end as it approaches to poor Winston."

Lara: "No." (She ran into Winston's room and saw Mason sitting on the floor.)

Lara: "Mason?" (He barked and Lara ran to Winston's side. The others walked in too.)

Lara: "Oh my god! Winston! Winston?" (Lara held his hand and rubs it. Winston slowly turned his head and saw Lara's beautiful face.)

Winston: (Weakly) "Lara....I heard y....I heard you came back with....the ruby."

Lara: "Yes, I did. It was hard, though."

Winston: (Weakly) "But, you made it back and I'm so...proud"

Lara: "Winston...I'm sorry. We're sorry. We should've came here sooner."

Winston: (Weakly) " needed to get...the ruby. Without it, we would've been in a whole lot of...trouble. It was your mission."

Lara: "I was on a mission before and I couldn't save dad."

Winston: (Weakly) "His death....wasn't your can't keep blaming yourself for that.....what's in the past....remains in...the past."

Lara: "You're right. You're absolutely right."

Winston: (Weakly) "Nathan....come here...please." (Nathan went towards Winston and kneeled next to him.)

Nathan: "Yes, Winston?"

Winston: (Weakly) " dad."

Nathan: "Okay. Dad."

Winston: (Weakly) "You make take care of Especially....Lara. Don' ever....leave their sight. Under....stand, son?"

Nathan: "Yes, I understand."

Winston: (Weakly) "Great grandchildren....come to your loving great grandad." (Isabelle and Trevor walked up to Winston.)

Isabelle: "Great grandfather Winston. Are you going to be okay?"

Trevor: "Yeah, we're worried about you."

Winston: (Weakly) "Awww, Isabelle and Trevor. I'm so were a big part of this family. I'll be okay, but always....remember...great grandfather Winston" (They both gave him a hug and Isabelle kissed his cheek.)

Isabelle: "We love you, too."

Trevor: "We'll never forget you."

Winston: (Weakly) "Samuel....I always....had high hopes for you. Always taking care of your little brother.....Nathan and having fun."

Sam: (Chuckles) "Yeah, but nothing's fun without you, Winston. We always have a good time playing cards. You still got that Ace card?" (Winston took it out of his pocket.)

Winston: (Weakly) "" (He softly chuckles and Sam rubbed his shoulder.)

Sam: "I'm going to miss you. A lot."

Winston: (Weakly) "So...will...I." (Sully walked up to Winston with a smile on his face.)

Sully: "Hey, Winston."

Winston: (Weakly) "Sully, my old time friend. We...always...have...drinks...for celebrating."

Sully: "Yes, we do and we still haven't finished drinking our favorite beverage of all time yet."

Winston: (Weakly) "Serve it to everyone in this memory. Please.....can"

Sully: "Anything for you, Winston. I will do that. I promise."

Winston: (Weakly) "Good." (He looked over to Bryce and Zip.)

Winston: (Weakly) "Bryce and...Zip. You two....can be....a little goofy and stupid, two can be... way."

Bryce: "We do have charm, don't we?"

Zip: "We're tech guys. It's what we do."

Winston: (Weakly) "I' two...goofballs.....can me laugh....I...appreciate that.....Don't lose...that...humor."

Bryce: "Don't worry, Winston. We won't lose that."

Zip: "We're the goofy cousins. We're never going to change that."

Winston: (Weakly) "" (He handshaked Zip and Bryce and then they hugged him.)

Winston: (Weakly) " for...being here and watching....over make....sure that I was okay."

Nathan: "No problem. We care about you. This family will never fall apart."

Winston: (Weakly) "I believe it. And Lara...."

Lara: "Yes, Winston?"

Winston: (Weakly) "Your mother and....father....would just...fine....without me."

Lara: "Don't talk like that. You can't leave. Not now."

Winston: (Weakly) "Lara...I...don't...have any other't turn...into...dust. You' survivor. Promise won't change your ways...promise me."

Lara: "I...I promise. I promise I won't change. For you, Winston." (He puts his hand on Lara's cheek.)

Winston: (Weakly) "Good.'ll do the right thing....." (He draws his final breath and went peacefully as his hand dropped from Lara's face.)

Bryce: (Gasps)

Zip: "Oh, god."

Sam: "No!" (He leaned up against the wall crying with his head on the wall.)

Sully: "Damn it." (Mason whimpered with sadness.)

Nathan: "Goodbye, dad." (Lara cried on Winston's chest. Nathan rubbed her back and she holds Nathan tightly while Nathan's tears went down his face. Sully rubbed Mason and the kids hugged in sorrow.)

(End of Chapter 16: Farewell)

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