Chapter 11: Failing Is Never A Good Option

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(In Baroness Puppeteer's underground base, Isabelle understood everything.)

Isabelle: "So, the Baroness is Evelyn and she's his wife?"

Trevor: "That's right."

Isabelle: "Interesting and Evangeline is Mr. Francis adopted daughter?"

Trevor: "Correct."

Isabelle: "Does he know about this?"

Trevor: "No, we need to let him know."

Isabelle: "But how? We can't get out!" (They heard a window squeak opened and a lady came in dropped like a shadow silent and still. Turns out it was Evangeline in a hooded cloak again.)

Trevor: "Evangeline?!" (Evangeline puts a finger over her mouth.)

Evangeline: (Whispers) "Shhhh. It's time."

Isabelle: (Whispers) "Thanks for coming back."

Evangeline: (Whispers) "I didn't fail, did I?" (She was about to open the cell, but Baroness Puppeteer and her guards stopped her.)

Baroness Puppeteer: "Stop right there!" (Evangeline froze in her position.)

Baroness Puppeteer: "Get up. Slowly." (Evangeline got up slowly and turned around to face her.)

Baroness Puppeteer: "Now, remove your hood." (She revealed her face and the Baroness eyes became wide.)

Baroness Puppeteer: "No, that's not possible. You're a servant!"

Evangeline: "It appears that we all have some surprises up our sleeves, don't we?"

Baroness Puppeteer: "How did you even escape?"

Evangeline: "I have techniques here and there. Training was an easy skill. I learned fairly quickly. Now, I'm here to save these children from your deceiving and torturing devices. Starting now." (She sliced the chains to the cell apart and the children got out.)

Baroness Puppeteer: "Get those children!"

Evangeline: "Run, now! Get out!"

Trevor: "But what about you?"

Evangeline: "I'll be fine. Now, go!" (She took out her long sword and fought the guards. They fell like cinderblocks and Baroness Puppeteer came charging in with a sword as well and Evangeline parried the attack.)

Baroness Puppeteer: "Not bad coming from a servant."

Evangeline: "I should've known you would've done this to me from the beginning. Michael should've left you instead you killed him. I saw the letter that was on your desk!"

Baroness Puppeteer: "How? You weren't even allowed to go in there!"

Evangeline: "Oops."

Baroness Puppeteer: "I should've left you in the street a long time ago!"

Evangeline: "But you didn't because your poor little heart couldn't take it."

Baroness Puppeteer: "Shut up!" (She was aiming at her feet, but Evangeline jumped over it and kicked her in the face. Baroness has a little bruise on her cheek and she was furious. They were at each other sword fighting really fast. They twirled and got back into to parry mode.)

Evangeline: "Why do you want the children so badly? They've done nothing to you!"

Baroness Puppeteer: "Except the boy. I know he stole from me. Rummaged through my personal things!"

Evangeline: "He was figuring out about your history, your personality and what you've done. Smart, Trevor."

Baroness Puppeteer: "God, I can't wait to get them back!"

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