Chapter 8: Party Night

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(Lara, Nathan, Sam and the kids arrived to the city of Cuba called Havana and music was playing. The smell of food filled the air.)

Isabelle: "I smell tacos!"

Trevor: "I smell buffalo wings, dad!"

Nathan: "I smell them, too."

Isabelle: "I'm starting to get hungry."

Sam: "Same here."

Lara: "We should probably find a place to rest for the night, Nate. Then after that, we could have a little fun at this party they're having."

Nathan: "That does sound nice."

Sam: "Well, let's go." (They went to a nearby inn and dropped their stuff off.)

Sam: "Hey, brother. You have the key?"

Nathan: "Sure do. In my pocket."

Sam: "Great. Let's go to that party."

Trevor: "Si, Uncle Sam."

Isabelle: "Let's have some fun." (They ran up to the crowd of people clapping because the song has ended.)

Mariachi member #1: "Thank you, ladies and gentlemen for being such an amazing audience. It's time for everyone to enjoy the food while we prepare to play our most favorite music, salsa!" (The crowd cheers and the family caught up to the kids.)

Nathan: "Wow, this is a big crowd."

Sam: "What's the matter, bro? Are you being claustrophobic?"

Nathan: "No, I just never seen anything like this."

Sam: "A huge crowd is a huge crowd. Trust me, I've seen bigger crowds than this one. You'll be fine. Ooh, margaritas." (Lara giggles and Nathan looked at her.)

Nathan: "What's the problem, Lara?"

Lara: "Nothing's wrong, but Trevor is loving that salsa so much that he got some all over his mouth." (Nathan looks at Trevor and Trevor waved at him. Nathan and Lara waved back.)

Nathan: "And speaking of salsa, would you like to dance with me?"

Lara: "Dance with you?"

Nathan: "That's right or are you afraid that the tempo will get too fast? Because I'm an expert at salsa."

Lara: "I'm never afraid of crowds or heights and I'm certainly never afraid of losing rhythm. Besides, my mother taught me very well of salsa."

Nathan: "Well, let's see how much you learned."

Lara: "You're on."

Nathan: "Follow me." (They went to the center of the floor and everyone slowly turned their attention to Nathan and Lara.)

Isabelle: "Hey, what is mother and father doing over there?" (She points to the parents and Sam and Trevor looked at them as well.)

Trevor: "Looks like they're ready to fight each other."

Sam: "No, nephew. They're getting ready to dance."

Trevor: "Oh. That totally makes a lot more sense."

Mariachi member #3: "Well, well, well. Look here, folks. These two want to do the salsa. Everyone, give them a hand!" (The crowd clapped their hands.)

Nathan: "Are you ready?"

Lara: "Just try to keep up."

Nathan: "Oh. I will."

Trevor: "Yay, mom and dad!"

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