Chapter 9: Pirates of the Caribbean Sea

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(Lara and Nathan was asleep together peacefully and Nathan opened his eyes slowly. He moved his arm carefully from under Lara's head and gently puts her head on the pillow. Nathan gets up and looks at Lara smiling. He moved the sheets over her shoulders to keep her warm. He then went to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. Lara was tossing and turning for a little to find a cool spot on the pillow. After Nathan brushed his teeth, he gave himself a clean shave. When he was done, he got dressed and check himself out. He grinned and winked at himself. He checked his watch to see if the battery was dead, but it was working really well. Suddenly, his walkie-talkie started to go into loud static and Nathan quickly turned it down and went outside the door for a minute to answer it.)

Nathan: "Hello? Brother, is that you?"

Sully: (COM) "Hey, kid. Sully is here."

Nathan: "Old man? Why are you contacting me on the walkie-talkie if there is a telephone over there?"

Sully: (COM) "What? Am I not allowed to contact you?"

Nathan: "You are. I'm just saying that I have a cellphone, you know?"

Sully: (COM) "I know, kid, but talking to you on the walkie-talkie is so much better. Less battery drainage, too."

Nathan: "You mean depletion?"

Sully: (COM) "Don't you change my words around! So, what's up? How have you been? Did you find the ruby yet?"

Nathan: "I'm doing alright, Sully and we haven't started to find the ruby yet."

Sully: (COM) "Very professional work you're doing right now."

Nathan: "Sully, don't make come over there."

Sully: (COM) "And do what? Strangle me to death?"

Nathan: "I was thinking about music of torture, but that can be rearranged.  Not a terrible idea, old man."

Sully: (COM) "Oh, go kiss a skunk because you stink!"

Nathan: "Well, newsflash to you. I took a shower."

Sully: (COM) "Good for you because I...ohhhhhh." (He realized what Natham meant about taking a shower.)

Nathan: "What? Speechless?"

Sully: (COM) "I know what was going on. I'm sorry for that stuff I just said, but uh, can we start over?"

Nathan: "We can never start over."

Sully: (COM) "Eh. It was worth the effort. Any idea where Lara is?"

Nathan: "Yes, she's still asleep."

Sully: (COM) "Oh. That's great."

Nathan: "Yeah...wait. Sully, is there something you want to say because I really need to hear this. Man to man."

Sully: (COM) "Okay, how did you like the shower? Did you guys you know...."

Nathan: "Yes, we fell in love. So, what?"

Sully: (COM) "So, how was it?"

Nathan: "It was wonderful. Why are we having this conversation?"

Sully: (COM) "I'm just curious about how it went, that's all."

Nathan: "You're making a big deal out of it, stalker. Don't forget on our last adventure, you knew that we were in love. So, don't try to get in our space."

Sully: (COM) "Come on, kid. I'm not a stalker! Plus, I'm better than to go inside your...."

Nathan: "And my brother is calling right now. I promise to get the ruby! Bye!"

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