Chapter 10: Puppeteer Devil

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(The team was devasted including Nathan and Lara. Francis looked down all depressed.)

Nathan: "God damn it! No!"

Sam: "I should've been there with them! I should've, but...I wasn't. You guys stay here and I will find them."

Nathan: "But, brother. You can't go there by yourself, you need someone with you."

Sam: "No, I won't. Besides, somebody needs to get that ruby and it isn't me. I will bring the kids back. I promise."

Nathan: "Okay, stay safe."

Sam: "You don't have to tell me twice." (He smiled and then he ran towards the path where the Puppeteer was driving. Lara was walking to the docks looking at the water and Nathan saw her and was about to go to her, but Francis stopped him.)

Francis: "I know what it's like to lose someone dear to her heart and yours. Believe me, I had the exact same feeling."

Nathan: "But you don't know her like I do. I've seen that look before. She lost so much in the past that she couldn't even take. You wouldn't understand. You only lost your wife and son, but it's so much more for her."

Francis: "I get it. I'm sorry."

Nathan: "It's fine, Francis. I didn't mean to get intense with you, but that was her life."

Francis: "Completely understand. I think it's best if we leave her alone for a minute while we're on that boat."

Nathan: "You're right. Let's go." (The moon came over the clouds and it started to rain. Nathan was writing in his journal on a hammock and he somehow stopped writing and went outside and saw Lara sitting on the nose of the boat. Nathan walked towards her and sat down next to her.)

Nathan: "Lara, what the hell are you doing out here? You must be freezing!" (He took off his big, warm coat and wrapped it around Lara.)

Lara: "I....I just wanted down a bit. Just wash the pain away."

Nathan: "I understand." (Suddenly, Lara begins to sob.)

Nathan: "Lara?"

Lara: (Sobbing) "It's all my fault, Nate! I should've stayed with our kids, but they were starving! I couldn't just let them go hungry, I...."

Nathan: "You couldn't have known that this would happen so suddenly."

Lara: (Sobbing) "Gee, that sure made it a helluva lot better, Nate."

Nathan: "Hey, I'm only trying to help here. Don't shut me out like this."

Lara: (Sobbing) "Sorry. God, what am I going to do? I'm not cut out for being a mother to them. I tried so hard to raise them right and now they're gone!"

Nathan: "Hey, hey hey. Shhh. Look at me, Lara." (Lara stares at him with red eyes, rain and tears going down her cheeks like she's really hurt inside.)

Nathan: "You are capable of being a mother. Don't say things like that. You made Isabelle happy all the time and she always bragging of becoming just like you one day. Our kids adore you, Lara. They'll never leave our side."

Lara: (Sobbing) "But they're not here right now, aren't they?" (She looked away from Nathan for a minute.)

Nathan: "No, but Sam is on the case. He promised he will bring them back. Let's believe in him." (Everything got quiet for a second until Lara thought about something.)

Lara: "What do you think our kids would say if I told them that I was not capable of being their mother?"

Nathan: "I think they would say "are you delusional?" (Lara had a serious, sad look on her face.)

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