Chapter 12: To The Chilling Prison

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(Back at Croft Manor, Winston was making spaghetti and meatballs for the gentleman until the doorbell rings.)

Winston: "Now, who on earth..." (He puts down the spoon and went to the front door. He opened it and saw a dog standing outside on the yard.

(Winston looks around the area if anybody was there, but there was no one

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(Winston looks around the area if anybody was there, but there was no one. So, he whistled to it.)

Winston: "Come here, boy. Come here." (The dog slowly walked towards him.)

Winston: "How in the world did you get here, boy?" (He looked at his collar and saw a note stuffed under it. He pulled it out and read it.)

Winston: "Here you go. Your own dog back. I know you have been looking for him and he's been lonely without anyone to take care of him. I'm pretty sure he knows where you live. Yeah, obviously. The young lady that was with him before knows him just to let you know he's very dear to her. Thank you for taking this dog. By the way, you should see the name on his collar. It shouldn't be hard to find. Cheers! Sincerely, Margaret Mayfield, veterinarian of London Pets and animals shop." (He puts the letter on the counter and he looks at the name.)

Winston: "Let's see here. Mason, that's a very wonderful name you got there." (Mason wanted to shake hands with his paw and Winston shakes his paw.)

Winston: "What a very proper dog, you are. It's nice to meet you. I got to call Lara and give her the news." (He dials the number and waits for her to answer, but there was no signal.)

Voice message: "If you would like to make a call, please try again. There is no signal."

Winston: "Oh, damn it!" (His heart was going a little fast and he felt his pulse. It was going faster than usual. His vision was going blurry and he was getting lightheaded.)

Winston: "Oh, no." (It was unbearable for him to handle, so he collasped on the floor. Mason started to bark and he was nudging Winston to get up, but he wouldn't. Mason tried again, but he still wouldn't move. Mason grabbed his jacket by the mouth and dragged him to his room. He dragged him next to the bed and figured out how to get him on the bed. He hopped on the bed and pulled him upwards. He was a pretty strong dog indeed. After he did that, Mason licked him and looked to see if he was awake, but he wasn't. He was still breathing though. Mason felt a little sad and whimpered while laying on Winston's chest. He then saw a trailer and ran towards it. Meanwhile, back to Lara, Nathan and Francis at the boat, peeking at Captain Obediah's ship. He just stopped the ship and went into his quarters.)

Nathan: "Okay. Francis, do you have any idea where the ruby could be located?"

Francis: "I do not know."

Lara: "Come on, Francis. Think. Where would we find treasure? You must know otherwise this mission is in jeopardy."

Francis: "All I know is that it's buried in a treasure hoard down below, but I don't know exactly where in the ship."

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