Chapter 16

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I need a new cover for this book so if someone know how to make a popping ass cover inbox me and I'll pick about 3 or 5 that I really like then I'll have the readers votes which one would be great for the book and who ever wins I'll dedicate a chapter to you but I hope y'all enjoy this chapter 😊


Today I finally get out the hospital . The whole time I was in there every one was by my said which I appreciated but I wanted to be by myself and clear my mind.

"Honey want me to help you in the car" my mom asked

I shook my head no and slow got out the wheel chair, I slide in the car and shut my door then put my head against the window. My mom and grandma got in the then we pulled off.

"So what you want to eat Angel" grandma asked.

"I'm not very hungry maybe when I wake up i will be" I said.

She said ok and went back to her phone. While we on the road my mom phone was ringing non stop and she won't even look at it.

"Mom are you going get that"I asked.

"Umm no sweetheart It probably a bill collector" she said

"Ok"I said

My grandma and mom exchanged a look but I ignored it. Once she pull into our drive way she turn the car off and we got out, I slowly walked behind them. When we got in the house I grab my bag and walk up the stairs.

"Honey I'm call your friends and tell them your home so they came over" she said.

"No it's fine I want to be by myself " I said.

"Umm ok I'm just tell them that your home"she said.

I just nodded my head and continue to walk up the stairs. I open my door then put my bag in the closet and I went and closes my curtains. I plug my phone up up to my charger and speaker then I grab a towel and headed into the bathroom. I started the shower and strip out my clothes then got under the shower head.

After about 30 mins I decided to turn the shower off and get out. I grab my towel then in wipe the mirror and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked at my fading black eye , a scar over my eye and on my cheek, my healing busted lip, and the bruise on my neck I felt the tears try to come out and I just shook my head and walked out the bathroom . I went to my dresser and pull out my under,shorts and a big T-shirt and put it on then I climb in my bed. I grabbed my phone and went to my music app then put it on shuffle.

I put my phone down then lay back and look at my ceiling thinking about things differently.

Maybe I shouldn't have took his number or even letting him talk to me. What if I just walk away from him at 6 flag after we said sorry for bumping into each other. Maybe I should have listen to my friends advice.What if I didn't hit him and just have him what he wanted I won't be laying here messed up.

I closed my eyes and let the song that playing sink in my head.

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