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"Well, if you're aware, then where are you going?" Sasuke growls, now turning around from the exit to follow me, followed by Naruto and the other boy.

"To the water cells." I reply shortly, monotonously. Naruto looks to be thinking, but Sasuke's eyes narrow further.

"Why?" Sasuke asks suspiciously. I shrug my shoulders lightly and keep my gaze forward.

"I have my reasons. So, who is this?" I ask, attempting to change the subject. I feel the boy behind me tense slightly.

"This is Sai." Naruto suddenly grumbles from beside me. He must have sped up to catch up with Sasuke and I, leaving Sai to walk closely behind us by himself.

"My replacement, huh?" I muse blankly. Naruto scoffs and Sasuke's eyes avert back to Sai and he glares harshly at the poor boy.

"He could never replace you." Sasuke growls before taking a step closer to me, our hands brushing together occasionally. I smirk slightly and turn my head to look at the boy, Sai, whose face resembles mine in emotion perfectly. Absolutely nothing.

"Um, I do hope you all know that I am a human being with ears, I can hear you. And by the way, your presence makes my skin crawl." Sai says, as if he were trying to insult me. Naruto and Sasuke growl lightly, but I chuckle a single time before stopping. I allow my eyes to flicker brighter than a blue flame before turning around.

"Good. Be afraid." I say as I glare at Sai with my Daku. His body stiffens and he looks as if he was about to attack, so I deactivate it and turn back around to continue walking. Suddenly, Naruto bursts out in laughter and Sasuke chuckles momentarily before they all start following me again. We continue down the corridors making a few lefts and rights before we make it to where I wanted to go. The water experiments. I push the door open and walk to the largest tank in the middle, avoiding the smaller ones with floating organs and other unrecognizable things.

"What in the hell is all of this (Y/n)?!?" Naruto yells unbelievingly. I ignore him and walk up to the large tank before ramming my fist in it, causing it to shatter, and the water to spill onto the floor. Sasuke, Naruto, and Sai, hearing the commotion, come running over just to see a naked boy with white hair emerge from the puddle on the floor. He looks around momentarily with his hand on his hip before his eyes stop on me, a massive smirk spreading to his lips.

"Well, if it isn't Orochimaru's little demon pet. I have to admit, you're much prettier than I pictured. The name's Suigetsu, but I assume you already know that." Suigetsu says, now walking closer to me, his naked hips swaying slightly, but before he could reach me fully, Sasuke grabbed my wrist and spun me around so I was now behind him.

"Back off." Sasuke growls, getting into a defensive position in front of me. I scoff and simply walk back around Sasuke to a metal cabinet on the wall before opening it and throwing Suigetsu his purple outfit that he probably came here in.

"Oh, my mistake. Your boyfriend, Lady Daku?" Suigetsu mocks as he starts putting his clothes on, having no shame in anything. I roll my eyes and turn around to let him finish.

"Shut up and follow me. You're on my team now, refuse and I kill you where you stand." I state blankly and start walking out. Naruto's eyes widen and Sasuke glares at Suigetsu. I continue to walk, the other four now following me closely.

"Yes ma'am. I do believe I'd go anywhere if I can walk behind you. The view is quite pleasing." Suigetsu says, a cocky edge to voice. Sasuke growls from beside me and raises his fist threateningly.

"HEY, WATCH YOUR MOUTH BEFORE I PUT MY FIST IN IT!" Sasuke screams and waves his fist around, almost punching me in the process. I sigh heavily and grab his arm, then lower his fist away from me.

Reversed Roles(Sasuke Love Story Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now