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"(Y/n), what's wrong with your-" Sasuke began, but I never heard the rest of what he said, because my world went dark, or at least that's what I thought it did, but damn was I wrong. I was laying on that same black ocean of water every time I went unconscious. I blacked out, yes. Was it from exhaustion? Maybe. Was it from blood loss? Probably.

"No dear, you've unlocked your eternal." I heard her. Mother darkness. Her voice was so beautiful, so calm, cool and collected, but what did she say? What was this about eternal?

"My eternal?" I asked as I slowly stood up, testing each of my limbs before fully moving. Mother Darkness chuckled lightly, which resembled something as beautiful as a wind chime on a cool fall day.

"The eternal stage of your kekki genkai. Take a look, it's happening now because of that Uchiha and that Jugo boy." Mother Darkness explained just as some small squares of light flooded my vision. I squinted my eyes to try and look at them, but they quickly got bigger. They were something like memories, like I was looking through someone else's eyes. I took a closer look and seen scenes playing in each one of them. The farther forward I walked, the older the people looked, and the farther back, the younger they got.

"What are these, Mother Darkness?" I asked her as I took a step closer to a particular one with a beautiful woman with blue hair and flaming blue eyes that resembled me, but much older. She was in a hospital bed, sweating, and had her knees up as if she was giving birth.

"It's the Uchiha's future, and you seem to be in it quite a lot." Mother Darkness explained, just as a picture of me naked came flashing by. My face went blood red as I tried to cover the image with my body, but it was much too big.

"SHUT UP AND GO AWAY YOU PERVY OLD DEMON!" I yelled suddenly when I realized she was laughing at me. Her laughing dies down and she began to speak to me once more.

"You sound like that jinchuriki boy. It's just as I told you those years back when you first died, you will be loved dear. Mother is always right." Mother Darkness said. It was then that it struck me what she'd said to me that day I'd died protecting Sasuke and Naruto. My red face faded to a light pink as I rolled my eyes and turned back around to the pictures, or really, Sasuke's past and future.

"Yeah, yeah. Leave now, I want to watch these in peace." I grumbled lightly, but with a small smile on my face. She made me happy in a way, like a daughter should feel toward her mother. She made me feel like my mother was still around, like I still had one. I continued to walk farther to the future, Sasuke's future, and what hit me really hard, was that I was in most of them, smiling.

"It'll get better." I said to myself with a small smile as tears stung in the corner of my eyes, but I stopped the tears. Jugo wouldn't want to see me cry. I examine the boxes closely, most of them being dates between Sasuke and I, me teaching him how to cook, us training together, some cuddling, us walking with two children, one a spitting image of Sasuke with my eyes, and the other a carbon copy of myself with onyx eyes. I smile brightly and exhaled, but as soon as I had, bright lights clouded my vision as I came back into consciousness. I sat straight up and my eyes danced around quickly as I took in the worried faces around me.

"Are you okay (Y/n)? You scared me!" Sasuke said suddenly to my right. My eyes snapped that way, to him. He looked pale and fear stricken, obviously because of my passing out. I gave him a small smile and nodded my head.

"I'm fine. I just- what happened?" I asked, feeling kind of fuzzy as I rubbed the side of my head gently where a bruise would surely form later on. Sasuke sighed heavily and his body relaxes seeing that I was okay.

"Well, you looked at me, and then your Daku shifted, changed into a shape, and then you went blank, and passed out." Sasuke explained. My eyes widened slightly as I suddenly remembered. My eternal Daku. My eyes scanned the crowd once more until they landed on obnoxious orange. Naruto. A small gasp caught in my throat as I watched him lock eyes with me, a look of relief on his face. I jumped up from the ground and raced straight over to him, keeping my eyes locked with his. When I was close enough, I grabbed his face and turned it to mine, making his eyes connect with mine as I activated my eternal and looked inside of him.

Reversed Roles(Sasuke Love Story Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now