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"Hello (Y/n), remember me? I thought you were a loyal person, but I thought wrong, I suppose. You're with the very people that forced your dear sister to kill your clan, and now-" Not my sister, but one of the oldest wielders of the sharingan said as he came from the shadows. Madara Uchiha. I could now see his face, which was completely scarred on the right side.

"Shut the fuck up. You're the only traitorous bastard here. You're sick. Why is she alive, why are any of these people alive right now?!?" I was livid. He'd found my dead sister's body, and now she's here. Hell, he'd found a lot of dead bodies. My fists balled up and freezing cold chakra began to leak from my pores.

"(Y/n), calm down, you can't-" Sasuke began, but to be honest, I was so pissed I didn't even know it was him. It was like I was in a genjutsu, but I wouldn't know what that's like because I'm immune.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP, I WASN'T TALKING TO YOU! Now, answer my fucking question, WHY IS (Y/S/N) ALIVE?!?" I snapped at him without even realizing my own words. All that mattered was that I wanted to bathe in this man's blood, and I get angry if I don't get what I want. My breathing quickened by the second as the people who'd never seen me in my demon form stare in shock and awe.

"On the contrary, she isn't alive, she's an Edo Tensei. With the help of Kabuto-" Madara suddenly began, fueling my fury even more. My head snapped over to the silver headed ninja, who I thought I'd killed, but I guessed he survived Sasuke's fire jutsu. Stupid Sasuke.

"Fuck you Kabuto, I'm gonna rip your fucking-" I growled, but I was suddenly stopped. I was about halfway through my transformation when I felt something on my shoulder, then someone else's chakra invade my senses, bringing me out of my blind rage. My head snapped to my right to see the small pink haired girl.

"(Y/n), calm down. You'll be easier to defeat if you don't." Sakura stated. I barred my teeth at her but reluctantly uncurled my fists. I allowed an animalistic growl to erupt through my throat, causing several people to jump back in fear, all but Naruto, Sasuke, and Jugo.

"Where's Tsunade? I have a plan. None of you know what I'm capable of, so don't calm me down. Not until I rip this bastard limb from putrid limb." I growled out, my anger slowly bubbling back up as I eyed the crowd of shinobi behind me. I hadn't even noticed that the rest to the jounin, anbu, chunin, and Kages had arrived until I'd looked back. Tsunade was standing at the very back with the other four Kages, who had all brought several shinobi with them as well.

My anger faded momentarily seeing the massive crowd of ninja from different villages, all coming to assist with this war, but I snapped back into rage quickly. I darted to the back of the crowd to get to Tsunade and explain my plan to her in a quick few sentences. Tsunade quickly agrees with my plan and begins to order the shinobi around according to my plans, while I race back to the front of the crowd with my large unit. The original Konoha rookies, Itachi, and my team stood before me. My unit. My comrades.

"Alright, listen and listen good because Madara is charging his chakra up as I speak and as soon as he's done, he's gonna attack. The plan is to distract every enemy from me. I'm going to make most of his army turn against him, but in order to do that, I need to be guarded the entire time I'm fighting. I have to have absolute concentration." I explain the plan to my unit. Nods of agreement went through the group, but of course, the biggest smart ass wanted to speak up.

"And how exactly do you plan on gaining control of his army? Kabuto already has control over them with the Edo Tensei." Neji asked pompously. I rolled my eyes at him and let a small smirk grace my lips.

"You'll see. That training I left the village to do is about to pay off right now. Neji, Teneten, Itachi, Kiba, Shino, Shikamaru, and Ino, you will be front line distraction. Naruto, Choji, and Suigetsu, go and stand behind them to attack when needed. Close range fighters, Sasuke, Jugo, Hinata, Sakura, you'll all guard me if any slip past them, or God forbid, they go down. Break." I explain to them. Looks of determination flashed across their faces as they all nodded in sync. Of course, if any of them do die, I could revive them, but a toll would be taken on my body as well. At what I'm looking at now, my lifespan is much shorter than the average person just by regenerating myself, let alone bringing back a dead comrade, which I've never done before.

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