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"Why are you two here? I only requested for the five of them to come." Tsunade asks, obviously irritated by the other two boys's presences. Before Sasuke or Naruto could talk, and ultimately make her mad, I spoke up.

"I can't walk Lady Tsunade, and my team and Itachi are too weak to haul me around." I say as turn my head to the side to look at her. Her eyes then look down from Sasuke to me with a questioning look on her face.

"Why can't you walk?" She asks with a genuinely confused look on her face. I deadpan at her, as well as the other people in the room. Why in the hell is this woman so oblivious? She's worse than Naruto.

"Ask your brilliant ninja. I'm sure they'd be overjoyed to tell you about our lovely time together in the dungeons." I muse with a sickly sweet tone in my voice, which freaked Naruto out slightly, hearing me talk in such a way. Tsunade's eyes widened and she looked down to her desk in shame.

"Alright, enough. I'll look into that later. For now, tell me more on this Madara, and the war." Tsunade says, suddenly regaining her tough exterior. I sigh heavily and go to speak, but Itachi beats me to it, much to my pleasure. I really didn't feel like talking anymore, I just wanted to sleep for a few days until my chakra was back.

"It was Orochimaru and Kabuto Yakushi, Milady. Madara Uchiha was the co-founder of this village, along with your grandfather, Hashirama, but the Uchiha and Senju had a war, and Madara died." Itachi explained to Tsunade, who was listening intently. At the names Orochimaru and Kabuto, my head snapped up and I glared off into the distance.

"Those sneaky bastards. Orochimaru reanimated Madara, I knew that fucker was up to something with that old coffin." I growled out loud, but I was mostly talking to myself, but Tsunade turned her head to me with a disgusted look on her face.

"This war is why he was extracting the tailed beasts from the jinchuriki, why he had us set out for Naruto and the others, they plan on using them against us in battle to have a massive advantage." Itachi explained to Tsunade. Her eyes widened considerably at the mention of the tailed beasts, and she seemingly became nervous. Naruto, however, was the opposite, he was tense and shaking.

"That's what they did to Gaara." Naruto growled out. My eyes widened and something like sadness filled me. That means that Gaara should be dead, but I'd just seen him not too ago with the rest of the Kages.

"When I talked to him last, he said he wanted true peace, but shinobi wouldn't allow that. He was- was trying to take my- demon, extract it, and before that, he wanted my sister's, but I killed her." I explained, but my lungs began to burn, causing me to go into a coughing fit in between my sentences. Tsunade was shocked by this, and looked worried as my hand fell limply to my side after I was done hacking into it, now breathing raggedly.

"Alright that's enough. Naruto, Sasuke, take them to the hospital to be treated immediately, but after you two drop them off, come back here. I've got a mission for the two of you and Sai." Tsunade demands and stands up from her large chair.

"Yes Granny-Lady Tsunade." Sasuke and Naruto say at the same time before exiting the room, the rest of the criminals following behind quickly. Once we'd made it to the hospital, I was placed on a bed, and one by one, my team and Itachi disappear to be treated, but no one came to treat me. I sighed heavily and laid back on the bed, but jumped forward abruptly when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to startle you! Why hasn't a nurse been to see you yet (Y/n)?" The girl asked. She obviously knew me, but I had no clue who she was. The girl looked to be about my age, if not younger, dressed in red, and bright pink hair. I eyed her for a moment, but noticed the small white hat on her head, she was a nurse too. I sighed and relaxed once more before answering.

Reversed Roles(Sasuke Love Story Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now