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I charged forward, racing as fast as my exhausted body could take me over to Kabuto, which was still impressively fast considering all the chakra I'd used. Now, I was basically depending on taijutsu, because of the fact that I didn't want to have to regenerate my chakra. As soon as I started to get close to Kabuto, he charged at me as well, pulling a kunai from the inside of his cloak and clashing it with my sword, causing sparks to fly.

"What, no jutsus?" Kabuto asked with a smirk, knowing that I wasn't going to be doing any jutsu for the purpose of my life. I ignored his comment and swung my sword upwards, sending Kabuto off balance for a split second, which was all I needed. I kicked my foot out and swiped it under his legs, sending him to the ground, only to be surrounded in a puff of smoke. My eyes widened slightly as I jumped up high in the air to regain my vision. Kabuto was propped against a rock, watching my moves from afar, bastard.

"Are you going to fight me, or sit around and wait for a stray kunai to stab you?" I asked Kabuto. A smirk plastered itself onto his face as he charged at me, this time with a sword. I inwardly smirked as we went hand to hand. To my confusion, the battlefield slowly grew quieter, the only sound of war coming from where my sister was still fighting some of the Kages. The Mizukage, Tsuchikage, and Raikage were already dead, and Tsunade and Gaara didn't look too great. Several clones of Madara still remained, even though he was dead, so they were probably being controlled by Kabuto as well.

But, what confused me the most was the fact that Naruto and Sasuke were no longer fighting Obito, rather conversing with him, as was Kakashi. This made me angry. This made me so very anger, in fact, that I wasn't paying enough attention to Kabuto, which is what I should have been doing all along. My legs were suddenly kicked from under me and I dropped to the ground with a thud, knocking the breath from my lungs. Before I could blink, kunai were imbedded into the skin of my hands, pinning me to the ground.

"You made a mistake turning your attention away from me, and now, you'll die! Say goodbye Lady Daku, you're about to meet your family!" Kabuto yelled maniacally before raising his sword above his head. My eyes widened and my breathing quickened. This was it.

"(Y/N)!" I heard someone yell my name. My head snapped to the right to see Sasuke standing way across the field, but even from this distance, I could see the dread in his eyes.

"I love you, Sasuke." I said loudly enough for him to hear as I clenched my eyes closed and waited for mind numbing pain to greet me. I heard the sounds of blade piercing flesh, but I heard it twice, though I never felt any pain, thank goodness.

"(Y/n), open- open your eyes." My entire body tensed. After those words, I felt something hot begin to drip onto my face. I slowly opened my eyes to see red and purple eyes, as well as scarred skin. To say that I was shocked was a complete understatement. Kabuto was dead on the ground, a full length sword through his throat, whereas Obito was pierced through the heart, where I should have been stabbed.

"Obito?!? Why are you-" I began with wide eyes, mouth agape, but the man, Obito, cut me off with a blood laced cough, which spattered in my face, and a small smile.

"I'm sorry. I should have never tricked you into the Akatsuki, joined forces with Madara, or any of this. I am truly sorry. I'm happy to give my life for yours, and I hope you can forgive me for my trespasses against you." Obito said before the light faded from his eyes and he fell onto the ground right next to me, eyes open and a small smile still on his face. I stared into his dead eyes in bewilderment. Someone just died for me. Again.

"(Y/N)?!? (Y/N), ARE YOU OKAY?!?" I heard someone yell to me. I turned my head to see Sasuke racing down the field to get to me, worry written all over his face. He skidded to a stop and dropped to his knees. His hands immediately placed themselves on my body as he touched me all over, feeling for blood or wounds. When he didn't find any, he went up to my hands and quickly pulled the kunai out so I could sit up. Without a moments hesitation, he grabbed my body and jerked me to his chest before breathing in deeply and petting my hair.

Reversed Roles(Sasuke Love Story Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now