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It was time. It was time for all of us to get dressed in my favorite color, which I actually really hated for this situation. Time for everyone to gather in the center of town and pay their respects to someone they were shaming not even a month ago. Someone they beat and looked at as a freak, someone they didn't even know.

They could never know what I felt for him. Jugo was important to a select few, me, and my team, and that's it. It was time for me to say goodbye, let go of his physical body. Time for me to live with the fact that I'll never hear Jugo nag at me for not being careful, not having a correct sleeping schedule, for going on too many mission, for not eating properly. Time to accept the fact that I'll never have Jugo walk me down the aisle at my wedding, or hold my first child, or second, or how many ever I decide to have. Time to accept that Jugo, is dead.

I hazily drug my clothes over my body, my normal attire, I didn't really need anything special for a funeral since all my clothes were black anyhow, and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked terrible, to be blunt. Dark circles filled under my eyes, scratches were littered all over my face, and my skin was much paler than usual. I looked much older than my age of only 18. I sighed heavily and turned my face away from the mirror to exit the bathroom and met Sasuke at my hospital room door. He gave me a small, sad smile, which I ignored and reached for the comfort of his hand, which he fully allowed.

We left the hospital and started walking to the center of Konoha, where the funeral would be held, only to see several other people making their way as well, all clad in black attire. I sighed once more and clenched Sasuke's hand a bit tighter, as if to steady myself as we made it to the place.

Tsunade stood next to the casket, which held a picture of Jugo and I on top of it. I didn't dare look at it, for if I did, I knew I'd lose it right then and there. Tsunade willed me forward, so I did just that, while dragging Sasuke along with me, and stood next to his coffin, keeping my eyes anywhere but the wooden box that held my brother's body.

"Citizens and shinobi of Konoha, and from the other lands, we are here today to mourn a shinobi that could not be saved. He is the true hero of the war, sacrificing himself to keep the war in our favor, to keep many more alive that would not have been, hadn't he taken the risks he took. When Jugo came here, he was considered a criminal, and when he left her, he became a savior. A savior to those who would have died, had he not died himself. For that, the five great nations and all of its people are in debt to Jugo. Please pray for his soul to have a comfortable passing." Tsunade practically preached out. My eyes stung as I lowered my head like the rest of the people here, and prayed for his soul. Jugo was kind, he never wanted to hurt anyone, he was smart, protective, and loving, especially towards animals, that man loved animals.

"Thank you for your prayers. If you'd like, there are white roses here that can be placed with Jugo." Tsunade finally said, and all heads were raised. No one moved to take a rose, but all eyes moved to me, they were being polite, courteous of me.

I grabbed Sasuke's hand and we went to the large table filled with lovely white roses. I took the biggest one I could see and walked back to the casket, placed a rose, waited for Sasuke to do the same, then went back to the side. After I was out of the way, Suigetsu, Karin, Sakura, Naruto, Sai, and Itachi all went up and placed their roses on top as well. After that, everything flowed.

One by one, a handful of shinobi would come up, take a rose, and place it on top of the black wood, then would leave to carry out the rest of their day. Tsunade and Gaara were the last to place their roses since everyone else had left except for me and Sasuke. Tsunade smiled and closed her eyes, praying once more before gently laying the rose on the massive stack, then Gaara, who had a look of appreciation.

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