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"(Y/n), (Y/n) wake up, we're coming up on the Leaf Village." I hear Jugo's deep voice calling me out of my slumber. I groan and open my eyes, but immediately regret the decision. It was early afternoon and the sun was high, blinding me momentarily. I rub my eyes for a second before cautiously opening them again. We were now stopped, everyone standing on a different branch and all eyes were on me.

"How long have I been asleep?" I ask as I stretch in Jugo's arms, allowing my back to pop several times, before relaxing my body again.

"Right at five hours. We will be at the village in no more than five minutes." Itachi says. I sigh heavily and push myself up into a sitting position, Jugo still holding me tightly.

"Put me down, Jugo." I demanded sleepily. He smiles slightly and nods his head before gently placing me on the branch he was standing on. Then, we take off once more, and like Itachi said, it took no longer than five minute for the massive red gates to come into sight.

"Just so you and your team knows, there will be anbu flooding us, and I have no doubt in my mind that they will be rough." Itachi says as he pushes his body off of another branch, soaring forward.

"That's understandable." I say as I push forward as well. Suddenly, Itachi holds his hand out like a barricade, stopping my team and I from running in the process.

"Stop running, we will walk in calmly, I can already feel their chakra spiking from fear. They've recognized our chakra, so they'll be waiting for us." Itachi says. I nod my head in understanding and we all jump down from the trees to the solid ground below. We then begin walking calmly, and before my foot can even cross the threshold to the village, an anbu is at my back with a kunai to my throat.

"Look, four criminals in one sweep." The one at my back calls before shoving me forward, his blade scratching my throat. I growl lightly and shove my elbow back, it landing in the anbu's stomach, causing him to groan. The other free handed anbus seen this and immediately were at me. They shoved me to the ground where my arms and legs were both held down, a foot to my back, and a hand on my head, shoving my face to the ground. I quickly brought my knees to my chest throwing every anbu off balance before shooting up, getting in a defensive stance. Obviously, all of this ruckus was drawing a large crowd of Konoha ninja and civilians to see what was happening.

"(Y/n), stop resisting!" I hear Itachi yell from behind me just as an anbu came at me with a blade. I grabbed his arm and threw him back, being sure not to injure him in any way.

"I'm not gonna let them shove me around!" I growl just as three other anbu start closing in on me.

"(Y/n), you can't-" Itachi began, but then, another familiar voice started yelling my name above all of the other chatter going on around me.

"(Y/n)?!? (Y/n)!" The voice yelled. It was so familiar, yet I couldn't put my finger on it, and I got distracted. My eyes searched the crowd until my eyes landed on a head full of sunny blonde hair, and raven black right next to it. My body stiffened and my eyes widened.

"Sasuk-" I begin to call his name, but while I was distracted, one of those stupid anbu slapped a chakra absorbing paper seal onto my back. I knew it was an absorbing seal because I immediately felt weak and black spots danced in my vision, sending me to the ground, while something pulsed through my body, willing me to set it free. And I did. The paper on my back started glowing and the air dropped to freezing.

"Oh no. You really shouldn't have done that. You all need to back away from her right-" Itachi says, sheer panic lacing his voice, but before he could finish his sentence, chakra started whiplashing through the air in an icy frenzy. Since my chakra was depleted, my curse marks went haywire. My eyes snapped open and the intent to kill filled my veins. My hell curse mark broke loose across my body, as well as my heaven one, which had never happened before. My eyes blazed a bright blue color and all of the anbu, ninja, and civilians began to panic.

Reversed Roles(Sasuke Love Story Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now