*Ryans POV*
Calum and I instead took the spare room. He didn't wanna be with Michael and I didn't want him to be be alone.
In the morning, Michael wouldn't talk to me or Calum. I didn't care he was mad at me. I'm his sister and he'll get over it. But his and Calum's friendship could be in danger because of me. It was severe pressure. If their friendship crumbles, I'm the one to blame.
Calum decided to give up on him for the time being. He went back to bed. I went to the kitchen, where my brother was making coffee. He turned and faced me. Yet right away he turned around. My 21 year old brother is actually 4.
"Mike, please talk to me." I whined and he sighed. But I got him turn around. His eyebrows raised as if to say, 'hurry up'.
"Michael he's my best friend to. He's my fucking roommate and I think I know him better than you do."
"Wow. Way to make me forgive you." He said sarcastically, making me roll my eyes.
"My point is, you can't not let me see him, when I'm an adult to. I can make my own decisions, so can Calum." I said. He sighed but didn't say anything. You can tell he wants to.
"I really really like him mike, don't take that from me." He opened his mouth slowly.
"Ry. I don't want him to hurt you. You and Max are the only people that feel like family." He told me. I felt a pang of sadness within me. Mike was never close to our parents and that was sad to me.
"Max has Lacy. He's busy so all I have is you. You're more important anyway. You're my baby sister, and I have to protect you." He said.
I ended up wining the argument. He still had problems though.
"If Calum ever hurts you, or even touches you without you wanting it, I'll chop his balls off."
"He doesn't have balls." Luke said as he walked into the room. We all laughed. I looked at Michael with a smile. His smile cracked as well. We hugged until he was better. He says he has to protect me, but I have to protect him too.
~~~~~~~~~~As I assumed, I made up with Michael. But my brother refused to talk to our best friend. He would stop at nothing to avoid him. Calum walked toward him, and Mike made a sharp left and walked straight into a wall. He fell and Cal helped him up. He even offered ice. Yet Mike decided to keep being difficult.
He wouldn't say a word.
"Michael. Please talk to me." Calum said. Quiet, but loud enough. Michael shook his head and continued scrolling twitter. I grabbed the boy by the collar, pushed him into the bathroom and followed, slammed the door closed, and locked it.
"Stop being difficult!" I whisper shouted. He groaned.
"Ryan. I'm sorry, but I can't." He said. His eyes red and a tear rolled down his face.
"I fucking love you so much." He said. He squeezed his eyes shut and a tear rolled down. "If I loose you, literally or not, I'm gonna be like this constantly." He laughed. But it wasn't filled with joy as usual, but pain in it's place. He sat on the floor, his back against the cabin. I knew he hated crying in front of people. It made him feel week and vulnerable. I guess it runs in the family. I feel the same.
"I love you too mike." I said. I've never said I love you to anyone but my brothers. The first tears from my eyes falling. I sat next to him and hugged him tightly. We stayed like this for what seemed like forever to us. Seeing how much pain he was in, and seeing that my relationship caused this, I knew what I had to do. I hugged mike some more, giving s final squeeze. I slowly stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. I turned on the tap and cupped water in my face. Trying to get rid of hives and redness. I turned it off and stepped away. Staring at the door. Michael was watching every move I made with interest. Suddenly I froze. I couldn't move. So I took a deep breath and willed my legs to move. Each step at a time. I put my hand on the door handle and unlocked it. I wasn't even 1% ready to do what I had to do.
*Calums POV*I was nervous. Ryan has been locked in the bathroom with Michael for two hours. Finally she walked out. Slowly but surely. I stood up as soon as I saw her.
Her eyes were glued to the floor.
"Are you okay?" I asked, realized she was crying only minutes before now. She shook her head and wiped her nose with her sleeve. My heart broke when her red and puffy eyes finally looked up at me.
"Wanna," I coughed nervously, "Wanna talk about it?"
She took a deep breath. Making my anxiety go fucking wild.
"Have you seen how bad Mike is?" She asked me. I thought about it. I remembered when I thought I heard him sniffling on the other side of the door. I wasn't sure but now I am. I simply nodded.
"We're the reasons he's like this." She exclaimed, "is being together is so bad for him to picture, he's fucking depressed." I bit the inside of my cheek, starting to honestly feel bad.
"I need to take care of him, and I'll do whatever it takes. I want him to be happy." She said. I nodded slowly.
"Do whatever you need to. Family is important." I said. She nodded in agreement.
"I'm sorry Calum. I have to break up with you."
A/nOwww that hit my right I. The fucking feels. I'm sorry if Ryan's being annoying but it's important to the story so just go with it lol. She'll get better

Lost Boy; C.h.
FanfictionI'm coming because I need to find you; is anybody there, who can rescue? Somebody like me? Cause I'm just waiting. For somebody like you, somebody like you. Without you, I'm a lost boy.