Chapter 10 - In Which Kylo Ren Fights Skywalker

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(Chapter Rating: T/M? Cursing)

Ren halted yards away from a quaint stone dwelling. Evidently, the spot his uncle called home, hidden all this time. 

So modest, when the fool could have had castles and palaces galore. The entire Empire had been offered to Luke once. He might have known wealth along side his almighty father. But, perhaps, as early as his youth, uncle displayed the evident signs of offbeat, erratic behavior.

"Skywalker," Ren bellowed, letting the hate flow through him. He could sense it. Luke knew he was here. The old man was prepared to fight. Ren's ire ignited anew as his uncle's image appeared at the threshold of the hovel. The green lightsaber he'd known since childhood causally gripped in the cold, metal hand, illuminated the semi-darkness.

His uncle acknowledged him with a frown, simply muttering a monotone, "Ben."

Over fifteen years of disappointment stood before Ren and his former teacher. Yet, the gentleness in which his uncle spoke irritated him. It was patronizing. Ren wanted to face a man hell bent with righteous anger. Not another paternal figure pleading for Ben Solo's redemption. It was not surprising that Han Solo had been sentimental during the moment of his death. But Luke, he should have wanted Kylo Ren dead. Ren wanted to see the rancor and outrage on his uncle's face. He wanted to feel it when he killed him momentarily.

"You know why I am here," Ren balled a fist in Luke's direction.

"No, actually, dear nephew, I don't. Although I have long hoped the Force would restore you to my teachings." Luke was calm and unimpressed. He didn't lift the saber. "It's hard to understand you in that mask."

In his anger, Ren quickly unlatched and threw the helmet to soft ground. There would be no final misunderstandings between them. Uncle would hear him loud and clear at the time of death. He would stare darkness in the eye.

"Snoke still has you obsessed with my father," Luke noted, and the frown on his tired face deepened.

Ren ignored the comment. There were more pressing matters. He bared his teeth, "You have something that belongs to me. Something I want back. A precious item I was ordered to keep," he paused for flare, knowing his statement would jar the celibate old monk, "my wife."

Yet, strangely, Luke didn't waver. The news, Ren's declaration, didn't faze him in the least. Ren grew sour. If the old man knew, didn't he have an opinion on the matter? Would he not be angry Kylo Ren had wed the daughter of his most notorious pupil? Did Luke's noble code forbid it? Ren wanted to feel his uncle's sorrow, hatred, anything.

Instead, Luke stepped out of the threshold and towards Ren. His bleak tone warned, "Ben, you best let her decide on that matter." So, the girl had confided her sins to her master. He already knew of the blood contract.

Ren ignited his own lightsaber and pointed it at Luke. The hum and red glow filled the darkness. "There is no decision. The contract signed, the marriage consummated. She was more than willing with me on our wedding night. Wanton to the core."

The lewdness of his comment finally gained a genuine reaction from Skywalker. Both brows rose in surprise and then furrowed. Uncle was adamant, "She was a prisoner. Hardly romantic. It is still her decision and if she doesn't wish to leave with you, I'm afraid we are at an impasse."

Ren finally had it, the thinly veiled bitterness and enmity from his uncle. It was enough to agg him on. It gave him the power he needed in this moment. Ren allowed a small smile to form, "Who are you? Her father?" He meant his jest to sting the lonely hermit.

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