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Natalia's POV

I pull up to MRKN and see a large line of people coming out the door. Motherfuckers must not want to get fired. You may be confused by what I mean like what makes getting fired so bad. When you get fired you literally get fired. As in I tie you to a chair and set your ass on fire. Who wants to get burned to death? Apparently not these people. The line was long but it was going fast. I make my way to the front and ease in to see people standing and conversing. I make my way to the front of the room and Gabby makes it there shortly after me. After about 10 minutes I told my guards to finish the last bit of people and then close the doors. Once they were done Gabby got everyone silent. "Alright so we have brought you all here today to discuss some on going beef between us," I started. "Yes as of today that shit ends. From now on y'all answer to both of us," Gabby said and there were a few murmurs in the crowd. "Aya if you got a problem with it you can find your way fired. Fired as in set on fire," I said and everyone came to an instant silence. "I thought so. Anyways your job assignments will be the same nothing will really change as it concerns you. Consider us two allies instead of enemies as of right now," Gabby said. After discussing some other things we concluded the meeting and allowed everyone to go. Once everyone was gone Gabby pulled me to the side. "Whattttt?" I asked as she sat down in a chair and sat me in her lap. "I'm thinking about moving out of Mama's house and I want you to come live with me," she asked looking nervous. "I mean why would I not?" I asked and a look of relief came over her face and she smiled.

That smile I haven't seen in a long time. Since high school to be honest. It was a smile filled with genuine happiness and it made me feel good that I could make her feel this way. To know that I'm the one who makes her world shine just a little bit brighter everyday. To know that when she's with me she can let her wall down and be herself makes me happy. "Ok so when do you want to move?" She asked me and I shrugged my shoulders. "I mean my lease is up in two months so do you want to wait till then?" I asked and she nodded. "Ok..... so what do you have planned for the rest of the day?" She asked and I thought about it. I don't think I have anything else to do today. "I don't know. I guess just chill until something pops up," I said. She nodded and said, "In that case I want to show you the place." "I mean hey. I don't have anything else to do so I guess we can. Do you want to take your car or my car?" I asked getting up. "Mines I guess." She replied walking with me to the door. I nodded and got in my car waiting for her to get in her's. Once she got in the car I pulled off and she followed me to my place. Once we got there, I put my car in the garage and walked back out getting into Gabby's car. She pulled off and we made our way to this house and when I got there I couldn't believe it.

Gabbriella's POV

I pulled up to our house and cut the car off. I looked over at Nat and her eyes were big as fuck. I felt like the G.O.A.T because I knew what was going through her mind. "Baby, holy fuck how were you able to get this?" She said getting out of the car. "No one ever bought it and the owner said he was willing to give it to me for less if I promised to take care of it," I said getting out the car. She ran over to where I was and gave me a hug almost killing me. "Ok, ok, ok baby........ Nat........ NATALIA I CANT BREATHE!" I scream and she lets go of me pecking my lips. "Come on," she said pulling me into the house. I got to the door and unlocked it and it looked just as I remembered it. It had only been 4 ½ years since I was last here but the house looked untouched. We walked around and she remembered every change that she wanted to make. It was like she hadn't changed but I knew that wasn't true and I'm pretty sure that if it wasn't for me she would be doing better than what she is now. But that matters not because everything happens for a reason. It's something about her that I just can't let go of. When she walks into the room my whole day gets better and no matter how mad I may seem I could never hate her. There was this thing I felt with her that I had never felt before. When ever I see her my heart jumps a little and my stomach does backflips. Is it love.... Nahhhhh.......maybe?

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