Holy Fuck

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Ciera' POV

     Darkness brings me joy at times but not all the time. I loved to be in dark spaces but sometimes they scare me. Anytime something can jump out at you hurt you. I inhale and smell a strong cologne scent. It's probably just my pillow. I attempt to turn but feel a heavy object around my waist. I then come to my senses and realized I was laying on a person. What the fuck. I jump up and see that it's that girl. Ummmm what's her name. Kennedy? Kandi? I can't really remember anything from last night after the first shot. She just turned around and got comfortable with my other pillow. I stood up off the bed and instantly felt a banging in my head. Damn it Ciera. You shouldn't drink like that dumb ass. I mean my ice cream may or may have not been spiked but that's beside the point. I went into the bathroom and took a shower and got dressed. I put my hair back into a messy bun and went back into my room. She was gone. Uh hell no a bitch needs answers what the fuck. I walk downstairs and see a car pull off from in front of my house. I'll find out where she stays sooner or later. In the meantime, I went into the kitchen and saw a note on the counter. "Hey sorry I had to go so early but here's my number. We should link up again sometime. See you around –Kendi" it read and I felt weird on the inside. I don't know what it is but it's weird. I look at my phone and text her number.

Me: Hey

     She didn't answer so I assumed that she was busy. Maybe because she didn't know who I was. Or her phone might be- wait. Why am I so worried about why she didn't answer? I don't like her like that. I shook my head and put my phone down. I went in my fridge and saw that it was empty. Its cool I didn't feel like cooking anyways. I texted Cammy to see if she wanted to link up for breakfast and she said she'll meet me there. I got dressed and while I was putting on my shoes I got a text from someone.

Ken: Hey sorry I was so slow I was in the shower.

Me: Np but do you want to link up for lunch?

Ken: Sure where at?

Me: You wanna go to Chili's?

Ken: Yea I'll pick you up around 12:30.

Me: Alright bet.

Ken: Ok see you then.

Me: See you then.

    I put my phone down and finished putting on my shoes. I get in my car and ride over to IHop. The whole time I was thinking about Kendi. I don't know why but I couldn't keep my mind off of her. It was frustrating me because I don't like studs. It's disgusting and weird. I like fems and only fems period. I pulled into a parking space and got out. I saw Cammy waiting at the door and I dapped her up before waking in the restaurant. We had waited to be seated and looked at the menu. "So, what did Nat give you as your punishment for that stunt you pulled?" She said laughing at me. I rolled my eyes and closed my menu. "Well nigga you should know because you the reason she found out," I said and she stopped laughing. "Man, whatever you just mad you got caught fuckin with her girl," she said and I mentally threw up. I'm assuming she saw the look on my face. "Man you one of them typa girls. I thought you was cooler than that but obviously not," she said rolling her eyes. "Dawg I didn't even say nothing," I said defending myself. "You didn't have to say nothing cause I saw it on ya face," she said with the biggest attitude. I just shrugged her off and the waitress came over. "Welcome to IHop my name is Jess. Can I get you started with some drinks?" She asked setting down glasses of water.

     After breakfast, I went back home and sat until I got a text from Nat saying that she needed me to make a drop. I looked at the time and it was 12:00 I should be back before 12:30 and if not I'll just meet her there. I get in my car and hurry up to the trap. I got what I needed and went to the hand off site. It was an old abandoned warehouse in the city. Not a lot of people came around here that often but people still knew about it. I walked in and there was a Hispanic man standing with his goons. "You got the powder?" He asked stroking his slightly grey beard. I threw the bag in the space between me and him. He nodded and his goons grabbed the bag putting it on the table. He took a bag out and examined it. His goon nodded and he closed the duffle bag grabbing a different bag and throwing it in front of me. I picked it up and it felt pretty light. "Aye yo where's the rest of my money?" I asked opening the bag to only see a few bands in the bag. "Sorry about it but this is what happens," he said nodding and his goons all pointed guns at me. I pulled out mine and pointed it at his head. "You tell them to shoot my finger pressed this trigger. If I'm dying your dying to esse," I said putting extra emphasis on esse. He chucked, "Oh you've got jokes. Punta." He spit on the ground and I laughed. He snapped his fingers and one of his people brought over a heavier bag. "Yea that's what I thought. Pussy ass Nigga," I said walking out of the building. I check the time and it's 12:30 already. Damn Kendi is going to be mad at me. Why do I care tho?

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