You Promise?

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Gabbriella's POV

     I walked downstairs and I got the kitchen to see Kendi in her fridge and Marquita nowhere to be found. "Hey fat ass why you in her fridge my guy?" I asked and she looked up shocked. "What man she ain't got nothing good in here. Everything been expired for about a month," she said and I shook my head. "Anyways where Quita at I found her?" I asked as she backed up. "She went in the basement I think. It I'm not sure," she said walking to the other set of steps near the back door. We walked down the steps and saw her looking through the bar. There were dirty glasses everywhere. "These cups are sticky on the inside but dusty on the outside. As well as all her liquor is gone. She hasn't been down here in a while," she said swiping her fingers over the bar and grey particles remained on her fingers. "Ok well I found her and she's upstairs," I said and she nodded. We walked upstairs to the bathroom and she wasn't there. I went into one of the bedrooms and saw her sitting on the bed. She was playing with a piece of string and I looked at the floor and saw tons of swisher wrappers on the floor and the room reeked of weed. If the police wanted to search her house and they came in here she would be done. "Michele!" Quita yelled and she winced holding her head. "Who the fuck is yelling my name like they pay bills in this house?" She looked up and saw us standing there and smiled. "Ohhhh heyyyy guys I haven't seen you in daysssss. What's been good?" She asked as of it had only been a week.

     "More like months. Shelly what's going on. We haven't seen you in two months and you haven't been answering our class or anything. Are you good?" Kendi said sitting down next to her. "Man, I'm good I've just been outta my mind I guess. I haven't been happy so I started smoking and drinking to be happy. I guess I just stopped caring. Haven't really been out the house since...well since the release party. I've been disconnected from the whole world pretty much and it hasn't made me better just keeps pushing it to the deepest part of me," she spilled her whole mind onto the floor. "Damn Shelly. You know you could have talked to any of us about it. We always here for you no matter what," I said rubbing her back and she nodded. "Yea I know I don't know where my mind is but I'm glad you guys are here," she said rubbing her eyes. "Speaking of us being here. Along with the fact that we needed to check on haven't released anything since commitment so we wanted to know if you wanted to do this cypher thing?" Kendi asked. She looked at all of us like we were crazy. "Man are you serious?" She asked and Quita frowned. "Of course imma be in it. The fuck I look like. If I were to find out y'all did it without me I would beat y'all asses," I busted out laughing as well as Quita and Kendi. "When and where cause y'all already know," she asked and we all looked at Kendi. "Alright I don't know when exactly but I was thinking at our old high school. Remember Mr. Kasus. (Ka-see-us)?" We all nodded. "Well he's the principal now and was asking me to DJ for an upcoming pep rally. He also asked me to bring a couple artist to preform for the kids. So I said I'll try to get you guys to preform," she said and Quita's eyes got big. "Nigga are you serious? You know who works there as VP?" She said hugging Kendi till the point where she fell to the floor. "Isn't Kia the VP now? Didn't you have like the biggest crush on her in Senior year," Michele asked rubbing her chin. "Nigga yea and she still fine as fuck. I mean we follow each other on Instagram but that's about it," she said sitting down.

     "Maybe you can incorporate something into your performance for her," I said and she nodded. "Woah woah woah before you go off the handle is she even gay?" Kendi asked and that was a good question. I didn't really talk to her like that and I never saw her with anyone like that. Maybe she is? "You need to find out before doing something outta pocket. Wouldn't want little miss Temper to be embarrassed," Kendi said and the rest of us laughed. Except for Quita of course, "Dawg whatever so when is the pep rally?" She asked and Kendi shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know but I think it's in two weeks," she said and I nodded. We talked more and more and it felt like old times. After about an hour I looked out the window and it was getting dark. "Aye imma go cause it's getting late," I said gathering my jacket and putting my hat back on. "Yea imma head out too got an appointment in the morning," Quita said and we all looked at her. "You good Q?" Kendi asked and she just nodded. "It's a pussy appointment my nigga," she said and we all started laughing. Shaking my damn head and she talking about getting with Kia. If she hasn't changed, Kia is crazy as hell and don't take no bullshit. Her best friend at the time stole some money from her and Kia went ballistic. She replaced her eye drops with lemon juice. On the same day, she put ghost pepper seeds and cayenne pepper in her sandwich and ole girl was hysterical that day. I would hope that if they did get together Quita wouldn't fuck around because I would hate for her to get hurt. "And here you talking about getting with someone and you can't say single yourself," Kendi said getting up and grabbing her sweater. "Whatever dawg y'all just hating because you can't have different pussy every night like I can," Quita said stroking the air. "If y'all don't get out my house with all this unholiness. Y'all need Jesus," Michele said walking us to the door. We all walked out the door waving and went our separate ways.

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