My Forever

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Ciera's POV

     I don't know why but what mama had said to Kendi has been bothering me. Who is this girl that Kendi supposedly fucked up with. It's been In my head the entire time. I guess I'm scared that this girl would come back and take Kendi away from me. I love Kendi way too much for that. I don't know what I would do without her. She has been there when no one else believed for me. She's my entire support system and I can't function without her. "BAE!" She yelled and I jumped. "You good? I was calling you and you just sitting here staring at a T.V. that isn't even on," she said and I shrugged. "Just in deep thought I guess," I said honestly. I didn't even hear her call me. "Tell Daddy what's on your mind," she said pulling my legs into her lap and sitting back on the couch. I chuckled at her calling herself "Daddy." We sat in silence while I got my thoughts together. "You didn't cheat did you?" She asked and I looked at her crazily and shook my head. "Do you want to break up?" She asked and I shook my head again. "Well those are the only possible things that I could get mad at you for so whatever it's not as deep as you're making it," she said moving her hand up and down my calf. "Well I wanted to know what mama meant when she said don't fuck up with me like you did the last one," I said and she laughed and nodded. I frowned and waited for her to speak. "Babe that's it? That's all you wanted to know?" She said and I nodded. "She was talking about Michele," she said all chill and shit while I damn near choked on my saliva. "Like Michele...our Michele...Shelly Michele?" I said in disbelief. She nodded and started to explain. "When we first got out of high school Shelly admitted she had a huge ass crush on me. I admitted that I was honestly feeling her too but didn't want to ruin our friendship. We agreed that if went dated that when we broke up that we wouldn't stop being friends. Well we dated for about three years. Everyone thought we would have gotten married or some shit like that. I wanted to spend forever with her but she kept saying she wasn't ready for that kind of commitment. So I ended it. I told her that I wouldn't wait on her forever and she understood that," she said and I felt relieved. "Yea it wasn't anything that deep. We realized later on that we were better as friends anyways. Mama said I was being way to clingy and that's why she wasn't ready but at the same time mama believes everyone is clingy as fuck. But now I'm focused on bigger and better things and people," she said leaning in for a kiss. Our lips connected and I thought it was going farther than that.

      She pulled away staring at me before running off upstairs. She came back downstairs with her keys and dragged me out the door. "Where are we going?" I asked and she just smiled. "Just sit back relax and enjoy the ride," she said and I rolled my eyes. We pulled up to the river and there was a familiar boat there. "Do you remember this place?" She asked and I realized. "This is where we had that blind date. But why are we here?" I asked and she smiled. "Ciera, when I met you, you wanted nothing to do with me. You were there for one reason and wanted to be done right after. I don't know what changed but you opened up. You let me into your life and let me love you to the best of my ability. You made my days brighter and my nights warmer. You helped me where others couldn't and I don't want to lose you. I've been waiting for this day for a while. I wanted to make sure that you were ready so that's why it took me so long to ask. I bought this ring three months ago but I was scared and doubting that you wanted to be with me forever. Earlier when we were talking it made me realize that there was no one else I wanted to spend my life with. I always thought I would never love anyone after Michele but you showed me that I can and I will. I will continue to love you for as long as possible. So I guess I've pretty much been rambling to procrastinate asking the question but will you marry me?" she said and by now I felt that my face was wet. Was I sweating? "Wait...wait baby don't cry," she said standing up. "If you're not ready we can wait," she said holding me and wiping my tears. "No...I'm not crying because I'm sad. It's because for the longest I thought I would be forever alone. After Tania I didn't think I would find anyone else to love but you came and changed that. So of fucking course I'll marry you. I love you to then ends of the earth and then beyond that," I said with her still wiping tears from my face. She stopped and kissed me. She lifted me up off the ground and spun us around. When I was put down she just held me close with our foreheads touching. She slipped the ring on my finger. I looked at it and on the side it had "my forever" engraved into it. "You're my forever," she whispered and I smiled. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

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