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Gabbriella's POV

     I saw her fall and quickly caught her as everyone ran to her side. Who is this girl? We just gonna call her Crip cause she wearing all blue. She was the first one to come over and felt for her pulse. I picked her up and brought her into the house. Her face was pale and she looked scared. Crip was right on my heels till we got into the house she turned for the kitchen. She brought back a bag of ice wrapped in a dish towel. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a spoon. She put it under her nose and it fogged up. At least she was still breathing. She then took her finger and brushed behind her ear. Nat shivered and I was shocked. I thought I was the only one who knew about that spot. My confusion was most definitely on my face at this point. Crip looked me in the face as I placed a blanket over her. Her face only showed fear and she looked back and forth between me and Nat. It was like she was trying to make a decision. I've never seen her a day in my life but obviously that wasn't the case for her. I started to get up and she looked around frantically. "I-I-I'm gonna go now. Thanks for breakfast and stuff. See y'all around," she said frantically looking for her keys. She knows something. "Na-na-na not so fast. We should take a little ride," I said pulling her out the door. I heard Marquita in the house yelling about how Crip was about to get it or something. Fear washed across her face as we got in the car and I pulled off.

     "So how did you know to do that?" I asked. There was a small sign of relief on her face but she was still a mess. "Uhh, Im a nurse," she said and I laughed. "Not what I was talking about but what hospital?" I asked curious. "Providence," She whispered looking out the window. "That's what's up. My mama supposedly worked there until I was born. She had to quit for...personal reasons," I said. Yea G, you got kidnapped so she quit. "What did you mean then?" She asked still looking like a damn leaf. I pulled up to this place. It was where I liked to clear my head. It was an abandoned building right on the riverfront and I came here all the time. I led her into the building and she looked in awe. Either she wasn't originally from Michigan or lived in the suburbs all her life. "How did you know about the spot behind her ear," I asked and she looked shocked. "Um, um, I have no idea what you're talking about," she said nervously. "Lie again and I'll throw you off this damn building. You touched behind her ear. She the only person I know that has a spot that sensitive and behind their ear. How did you know?" I asked again and her face was unreadable. "We were friends for a while and I haven't seen her since. She told me about it," she said and I looked on her face. She was lying. Then I saw a tear slip from underneath her eye. "Can we not talk about her and I's friendship. It brings back a lot," she said and I nodded. I know if I can't get it from Crip then I'll be able to get it from Nat. I led her back to the car and we drove back to Ciera's house.

Natalia's POV

     I woke up with a terrible headache. I rolled over in the bed only to land on the floor. I'm gonna go on a limb and say maybe I was in a couch and not a bed. Just a thought ya know. I groaned as I heard heavy footsteps come to my side. "Baby," I heard someone say. "Gabbriella?" I asked trying to get up only to be scooped up and laid back on the couch. "Are you ok? You can't scare me like that," she said holding me in her arms. "I'm fine...except the big ass headache. Can you please get me some pain killers. She pointed to the table in front of me which held a cup of apple juice and an Advil bottle. "Thanks baby. I had the weirdest dream though," I said. I had never talked to Gabby about this before. I was honestly still grieving. This was like two years ago when it happened too. "What was it about baby?" She said helping me off the couch. "My ex who offed herself was here. Chilling with all of us. That's crazy right?" I asked and her eyes widened. "She did what?" She said raising her voice a little. "She killed herself. Cammy set her up by putting glass on the floor and her son stepped in it. The school found out and he was taken from us. After that she killed herself," I said and her face grew red. "Baby calm down. What's wrong?" I asked. She grabbed my hand and led me outside to the back. After we stopped I looked around and noticed Adrianna was sitting there.

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